Binarynomad Posted July 15, 2024 Posted July 15, 2024 Version: Alfred 5.5 [2257] OS: 14.5 (23F79) HW: Apple M1 Max Problem: A specific file keeps coming up as the first match for any search performed on my system (within the first 1-2 key presses) For some reason the file: (New Laptop.mindnode) which is located in my iCloud drive, comes up as the first hit for ANY SEARCH. This has happened before and I tried both: 1. Clear Application Cache 2. Rebuild macOS Metadata I eventually renamed the file to something else and the problem went away. But last week I needed to open the file a few times, so I renamed it back and it worked fine for about 3-5 days, and now it is the default top match for all searches with the first 1-3 letters again. I can get Alfred to start accepting other programs if I manually select them a few times and then it floats those to the top, but this default behavior is problematic. I've attached a few examples in a PDF:
Vero Posted July 15, 2024 Posted July 15, 2024 @Binarynomad Could you please take the Mindnode file in question and drag it to the File Troubleshooter? You can then paste the output in your reply, so that I can see what metadata is provided for that file. There may be keywords or additional content in the metadata that causes this file to always appear to be relevant. Here's how you can use the File Troubleshooter: Also, Mindnode files are not included in default results usually, so you'll have added them via the "Advanced..." button in Features > Default Results. I would suggest taking out this file type from default results, unless you really do want these included.
Binarynomad Posted July 15, 2024 Author Posted July 15, 2024 Hi Vero, I never added mindnode specifically but 90% of the time I use Alfred to quickly open a number of files or folders in my document trees. Here is the output you requested: Starting Diagnostics... File: 'New Laptop.mindnode' Path: '/Users/brian/Library/Mobile Documents/W6L39UYL6Z~com~mindnode~MindNode/Documents' ----------------------------------------------------------- Check file cache database... ✅ File cache integrity is ok ----------------------------------------------------------- Check if file is readable... ✅ Alfred has permissions to read this file. Unix Permissions: 493 Underlying Type: NSFileTypeDirectory Extended Attributes: ( "", "", "", "", "", "", "com.mindnode.viewState#S" ) ----------------------------------------------------------- Check if volume '/' is indexed by macOS... ✅ Indexing is enabled on this drive ----------------------------------------------------------- Check direct file metadata... ✅ Direct metadata available Display Name: New Laptop.mindnode Other Names: Content Type: com.mindnode.mindnode.mindmap Last Used: 2024-07-14 17:15:57 +0000 ----------------------------------------------------------- Check mdls file metadata... ✅ Metadata contains required items _kMDItemDisplayNameWithExtensions = "New Laptop.mindnode" kMDItemContentCreationDate = 2023-06-29 07:00:24 +0000 kMDItemContentCreationDate_Ranking = 2023-06-29 00:00:00 +0000 kMDItemContentModificationDate = 2024-07-13 16:32:31 +0000 kMDItemContentType = "com.mindnode.mindnode.mindmap" kMDItemContentTypeTree = ( "com.mindnode.mindnode.mindmap", "", "", "public.item", "public.composite-content", "public.content" ) kMDItemCreator = "MindNode" kMDItemDateAdded = 2021-11-27 20:10:47 +0000 kMDItemDisplayName = "New Laptop.mindnode" kMDItemDocumentIdentifier = 167 kMDItemFSContentChangeDate = 2024-07-13 16:32:31 +0000 kMDItemFSCreationDate = 2023-06-29 07:00:24 +0000 kMDItemFSCreatorCode = "" kMDItemFSFinderFlags = 8192 kMDItemFSHasCustomIcon = (null) kMDItemFSInvisible = 0 kMDItemFSIsExtensionHidden = 0 kMDItemFSIsStationery = (null) kMDItemFSLabel = 0 kMDItemFSName = "New Laptop.mindnode" kMDItemFSNodeCount = 5 kMDItemFSOwnerGroupID = 20 kMDItemFSOwnerUserID = 501 kMDItemFSSize = (null) kMDItemFSTypeCode = "" kMDItemInterestingDate_Ranking = 2024-07-14 00:00:00 +0000 kMDItemKeywords = ( New, Laptop, "(General)", BootStrap, Setup, Local, Account, Create, primary, user, support, Update, OS, softwareupdate, "-ai", Install, Xcode, "xcode-select", "--install", "(might", be, done, by, brew, initial, install, "automatically)", Install, Brew, "/bin/bash", "-c", "\"$(curl", "-fsSL", "\"", "-", Run, these, two, commands, in, your, terminal, to, add, Homebrew, "PATH:", echo, "'eval", "\"$(/opt/homebrew/bin/brew", "shellenv)\"'", ">>", "/Users/brian/.zprofile", eval, "shellenv)\"", Install, Ansible, brew, install, ansible, Install, Chrome, brew, install, "google-chrome", Install, 1Password, brew, install, 1password, "1password-cli", "#", Setup, 1Password, Plugins, op, signin, plugin, init, gh, Install, Vim, brew, install, vim, Install, iTerm2, brew, install, iterm2, "-", iTerm2, ">", Install, Shell, Integration, "AI;", add, API, key, Link, to, settings, "file:", "$HOME/Dropbox/Apps/iTerm3/com.googlecode.iterm2.plist", Install, Dockutil, brew, install, dockutil, "#", Clean, up, Dock, "--remove", "'FaceTime'", "'Keynote'", "'Mail'", "'Maps'", "'Messages'", "'Music'", "'News'", "'Numbers'", "'Pages'", "'Podcasts'", "'Safari'", "'TV'", Add, to, "--add", "/Applications/iTerm.App", "/Applications/Sublime\\", "", "/System/Applications/", "/Applications/", OS, Changes, Keyboard, Capslock, "=", CTRL, Keyboard, Delay, "&", Repeat, "=", "short/fast", Turn, off, smart, quotes, "Req:", Fn, for, Special, keys, Trackpad, "Disable:", Swipe, between, pages, Finder, File, Extensions, Add, Home, Directory, Folders, on, top, Search, from, this, Directory, Breadcrumbs, Corners, to, show, "desktop/apps", UL, "=", Mission, Control, UR, Desktop, LL, Application, Windows, LR, Quick, Note, QuickLook, Plugins, brew, install, "--cask", qlcolorcode, qlstephen, qlmarkdown, "quicklook-json", qlprettypatch, "quicklook-csv", qlimagesize, webpquicklook, quicklookase, qlvideo, Shortcuts, "-", Open, Notes, Text, Editor, email, URL, Standard, Apps, You, can, auto, Install, some, standard, apps, with, this, Ninite, alternative, for, "Mac:", "", Chrome, Office, Editing, Google, Docs, Offline, uBlock, Origin, "", MindMup, Screencastify, Brew, CLI, Primary, git, howdoi, iperf, mtr, nmap, brew, install, nmap, pip3, "python-nmap", rsync, "thefuck/doh", echo, "\U201ceval", "$(thefuck", "--alias)\U201d", ">>", "~/.zshrc", tmux, tree, visidata, brew, install, "saulpw/vd/visidata", watch, "/", viddy, z, "#", Add, To, ".zshrc", "\U2014BH", ".", "/opt/homebrew/etc/profile.d/", wget, "?cheat", brew, install, cheat, imagemagick, brew, install, ImageMagick, ngrep, brew, install, ngrep, ncdu, brew, install, ncdu, Apple, Store, DiskSpace, Analyzer, Tot, Brew, GUI, Slack, brew, install, slack, Zoom, brew, install, zoom, VsCode, brew, install, "visual-studio-code", Preferences, ">", Startup, Editor, newUntitledFile, "#", Allow, repeated, keypress, defaults, write, "", ApplePressAndHoldEnabled, "-bool", false, Login, with, Git, to, Sync, "\"editor.copyWithSyntaxHighlighting\":", Extensions, I, Like, "-", "Auto-Open", Markdown, Preview, Docker, "", Integration, Mermaid, Vim, Remote, SSH, "+", Editing, "?KAP", brew, install, kap, "##", PROBLEMS, NOT, SIGNED, "", brew, install, drawio, OmniDiskSweeper, brew, install, omnidisksweeper, AppCleaner, brew, install, appcleaner, DiskSpace, Analyzer, MacDown, brew, install, "--cask", macdown, Developer, Tooling, Apps, Tart, brew, install, "cirruslabs/cli/tart", Terraform, Brew, install, terraform, tmate, brew, install, tmate, "Aws-CLI", brew, install, awscli, "DigitalOcean-CLI", brew, install, doctl, "GoogleCloud-CLI", Install, the, SDK, from, here, for, your, "platform:", "", xCode, "xcode-select", "--install", 1Password, CLI, brew, install, "1password-cli", HTTPie, GUI, "", "Oh-My-Zsh", "##", INSTALL, sh, "-c", "\"$(curl", "-fsSL", "\"", ADD, TO, ".ZSHRC", "#", Place, At, the, TOP, "ZSH_DISABLE_COMPFIX=\"true\"", "ZSH_THEME=\"agnoster\"", Prompt, on, NewLine, "precmd()", "{", print, "\"\"", "}", "prompt_end()", if, "[[", "-n", "$CURRENT_BG", "]];", then, "\"%{%k%F{$CURRENT_BG}%}$SEGMENT_SEPARATOR\"", else, "\"%{%k%}\"", fi, "\"%{%f%}\"", "CURRENT_BG=''", "#Adds", new, line, and, "\U279c", as, start, "character.", printf, "\"\\n$\";", NOTES, "", "", "", iTerm, Get, your, preferences, file, Make, sure, "Pref>Profile>Colors>\"Cursor", "Boost\"", is, "LOW,", otherwise, you, get, dim, text, Colors, "=", Dragula, Term, "xterm-256", "", Setup, "HotKey:", "OPTION-SPACEBAR", Install, GitHub, CLI, "(gh)", "$", gh, auth, login, Install, Git, LazyGit, brew, install, lazygit, Python, Install, Pyenv, brew, install, pyenv, echo, "'eval", "\"$(pyenv", init, "--path)\"'", ">>", "~/.zprofile", Install, "Pyenv-virtualenv", brew, install, "pyenv-virtualenv", "#", Add, to, "~/.zshprofile", if, which, "pyenv-virtualenv-init", ">", "/dev/null;", then, eval, "\"$(pyenv", "virtualenv-init", "-)\";", fi, Install, Python3, pyenv, install, "3.10.0", global, Jupyterlab, pip, install, jupyterlab, DataScience, pip3, install, numpy, pandas, matplotlib, "", Style, Dracula, Color, git, clone, "", "(Manual", "import?)", Source, Code, Pro, git, clone, "", "--depth=1", cd, fonts, "./", "..", rm, "-rf", ZSH, Stuff, "zsh-autosuggestions", brew, install, "zsh-autosuggestions", "zsh-syntax-highlighting", brew, install, "zsh-syntax-highlighting", "#", Add, to, "~/.zshrc", source, "/opt/homebrew/share/zsh-syntax-highlighting/zsh-syntax-highlighting.zsh", "CLI/Brew", pygmentize, brew, install, pygments, Documentation, "", "", Brian, Specific, Stuff, Brian, Bootstrap, "-", App, Store, "+", Downloads, Dropbox, 1Password, Personal, Critical, Apps, Dropbox, brew, install, dropbox, cd, "~", ";", ln, "-s", "~/Library/CloudStorage/Dropbox", 1Password, Environment, "Aliases/Functions", Shortcuts, "-", "F3:", Open, Today, Note, SHIFT, Quick, entry, to, Profile, set, "-o", vi, Misc, mkdir, "~/bin", Link, "Folders/Files", ln, "-s", "~/Dropbox/Tech-Notes/Programming", "~/bin/Programming", "~/Dropbox/Tech-Notes/Env/home/.vimrc", "~/.vimrc", "~/Dropbox/Tech-Notes/Env/home/.vim", "~/.vim", SSH, "ssh-add", "--apple-use-keychain", "/Volumes/brian-vault/ssh/personal-rsa.key", "/Volumes/brian-vault/ssh/personal-dsa.key", Chrome, Printing, Switch, to, system, print, dialogue, defaults, write, "", DisablePrintPreview, "-bool", true, Printing, "/", PDF, To, setup, keyboard, shortcut, for, "CMD-P", to, save, as, PDF, "Goto:", System, Preferences, ">", Keyboard, Shortcuts, App, "+", Set, Title, "Menu:", "\"Save", "PDF\"", "Shortcut:", Productivity, Apps, Alfred, brew, install, alfred, "#", Other, Activate, Licese, from, 1PW, Point, preferences, to, "~/Dropbox/Apps/Alfred", Amphetamine, App, Store, Bartender, brew, install, bartender, "#", Other, Activate, license, from, 1PW, FiveNotes, App, Store, Marked, "", MindNode, App, Store, Moom, App, Store, "#", To, copy, settings, defaults, export, "com.manytricks.Moom~/Dropbox/Apps/Moom/Moom.plist", import, "com.manytricks.Moom", "~/Dropbox/Apps/Moom/Moom.plist", "ALTERNATIVE:", "", Sublime, brew, install, "sublime-text", Copy, config, folder, from, "~/Library/Application\\", Support, defaults, write, "com.sublimetext.4", ApplePressAndHoldEnabled, "-bool", false, "(Brian:", "Tech-Notes/Env/config/Sublime)", "##", Packages, "{", "\"bootstrapped\":", "true,", "\"in_process_packages\":", "[", "],", "\"installed_packages\":", "\"A", File, "Icon\",", "\"AlignTab\",", "\"Anaconda\",", "\"BracketHighlighter\",", "\"Dockerfile", Syntax, "Highlighting\",", "\"Dotfiles", "\"EasyMotion\",", "\"FileDiffs\",", "\"Filter", "Lines\",", "\"FilterPipes\",", "\"Git\",", "\"GitGutter\",", "\"INI\",", "\"Markdown", Numbered, "Headers\",", "\"MarkdownEditing\",", "\"Marked", App, "Menu\",", "\"Material", "Theme\",", "\"Package", "Control\",", "\"PackageSync\",", "\"Pretty", "JSON\",", "YAML\",", "\"Print", to, "HTML\",", "\"Random", "Everything\",", "\"SerializedDataConverter\",", "\"SideBarEnhancements\",", "\"TodoReview\",", "\"TrailingSpaces\",", "\"ZSH\",", "}", Vim, TextExpander, brew, install, textexpander, Docker, Desktop, "", Google, Drive, brew, install, "google-drive", AppleID, Calendar, Contacts, "?Email", Notes, Messages, Enable, Messages, in, iCloud, Other, Apps, Apple, Remote, Desktop, App, Store, CleanMyMac, X, brew, install, cleanmymac, ColorSlurp, App, Store, DaisyDisk, App, Store, Free, "Alternative:", "", Discord, brew, install, discord, Dropbox, Capture, brew, install, "dropbox-capture", Gemini, 2, brew, install, gemini, GoodNotes, 5, App, Store, Graphviz, brew, install, graphviz, Handbrake, brew, install, "homebrew/cask/handbrake", Name, Mangler, brew, install, "name-mangler", NetSpot, Pro, brew, install, netspot, "#", Notes, Deactivate, old, version, or, reset, and, then, activate, Noteability, App, Store, Omnigraffle, brew, install, omnigraffle, ScanSnap, MANUAL, "", ScreenFlow, brew, install, screenflow, Serial, App, Store, Signal, Soulver, Be, sure, to, add, workflow, Alfred, TextSoap, "", Get, "v8,", license, in, 1PW, VectornatorPro, App, Store, Vmware, Fusion, brew, install, "vmware-fusion", Wifi, Explorer, App, Store, Wifi, Signal, Wireshark, "", Not, installing, packet, capture, "tools,", just, use, TCPDUMP, ZeroTier, "", "Paragon-NTFS", Manual, install, by, logging, into, "", brew, "paragon-ntfs", "Paragon-extFS", Manual, install, by, logging, into, "", brew, "paragon-ntfs", VLC, Brew, install, vlc, Chrome, Plugins, 1Password, FoxyProxy, Vimium, "#", Special, Sites, "youtube:", "jkl,.<>fc", Terminus, SSH, Nimbus, SetApp, Subscription, Old, Laptop, Data, Collection, List, of, GUI, Apps, List, of, CLI, Apps, List, of, MenuBar, Apps, Applications, Chrome, Syncing, "iTerm:", Config, Sync, Virtual, "Machines:", "Shutdown/Trimmed", Data, Backup, Home, Directory, github, "app-store", "brew-install", other ) kMDItemKind = "MindNode Document" kMDItemLastUsedDate = 2024-07-14 17:15:57 +0000 kMDItemLastUsedDate_Ranking = 2024-07-14 00:00:00 +0000 kMDItemUseCount = 59 kMDItemUsedDates = ( "2023-09-02 07:00:00 +0000", "2024-01-02 08:00:00 +0000", "2024-03-14 07:00:00 +0000", "2024-07-05 07:00:00 +0000", "2024-07-06 07:00:00 +0000", "2024-07-07 07:00:00 +0000", "2024-07-11 07:00:00 +0000", "2024-07-13 07:00:00 +0000", "2024-07-14 07:00:00 +0000" ) kMDItemUserCreated = 1 kMDItemUserModifiedDate = ( "2024-07-13 16:32:31 +0000" ) kMDItemUserModifiedUserHandle = ( 501 ) ----------------------------------------------------------- Check file is in search scope... ✅ File exists within Alfred's default search scope ----------------------------------------------------------- Check MDQuery file search... ✅ macOS returned a match for this file in your search scope. File Search Results for search scope ( "[0] /System/Volumes/Data/Users/brian/Library/Mobile Documents/W6L39UYL6Z~com~mindnode~MindNode/Documents/New Laptop.mindnode" ) File Search Results for ~/ ( "[0] /System/Volumes/Data/Users/brian/Library/Mobile Documents/W6L39UYL6Z~com~mindnode~MindNode/Documents/New Laptop.mindnode" ) File Search Results for / ( "[0] /System/Volumes/Data/Users/brian/Library/Mobile Documents/W6L39UYL6Z~com~mindnode~MindNode/Documents/New Laptop.mindnode" ) ----------------------------------------------------------- ✅ Troubleshooting passed
Binarynomad Posted July 15, 2024 Author Posted July 15, 2024 Oh, to clarify, when searching I only care about a the folder and filenames, but not any metadata of the contents of the files. (not sure if that is relevant)
Vero Posted July 15, 2024 Posted July 15, 2024 @Binarynomad That is the wildest keyword-cramming I've ever seen in a file metadata! Are all of your Mindnode files like this, or is this one particularly rich on keywords? I would recommend removing Mindnode from your default results additional types, and creating a File Filter workflow specifically for Mindnode: If you have one (or a few) specific Mindnode files you *do* want to include in default results, but without all that chaff from the metadata, you can create nicknames for those files to include those specifically in your default results: Let me know how you get on
Binarynomad Posted July 16, 2024 Author Posted July 16, 2024 Oh wow, I didn't' realize it pretty much was taking the entire contents of my file, the nodes and notes and saving them as keywords for the file, AND YES I can confirm with all Mindnode files, all text within are added as metadata keywords (I just tested a bunch of files) Is this something I should bring up with the makers of MindNode? (is it bad design/programming?). How do I remove Mindnode from your default results? Thanks for the custom file-filter and nicknames, I'll play with those.
Vero Posted July 16, 2024 Posted July 16, 2024 @Binarynomad I don't have first-hand experience of Mindnode, so I'm not sure whether it's Mindnode itself, a plugin for it, or a third-party tool you're using that is causing the keyword cramming. As such, yes, it may be a good idea to drop them a line and ask for more details on why this happens and whether it can be disabled. You will have added Mindnode files to your default results, as these are not included normally. To remove these files from default results by opening Alfred to Features > Default Results, and click the "Advanced..." button on the right side of the list of checkboxes. This is where you'll have added Mindnode as a file type to include in your default results, so select it and use the minus button to remove it. Let me know if you need any help with file filters and nicknames
Binarynomad Posted July 16, 2024 Author Posted July 16, 2024 I don't have any entries in Alfred > Default Results > Advanced. It is empty. I just reached out to MindNode support with our findings and they replied with this: "We are aware of this issue and currently working on improving the Spotlight search. The fix will be shipped with the next update. Therefore, please make sure to keep up to date with those. Since you're working with the Alfred app and they rely heavily on the Spotlight index please also make sure to re-index your Spotlight search after the update by following the steps given here:" In the mean time, I'm going to try to add the Mindnode folder into the Spotlight Privacy section so the Metadata references get removed, and then I'll setup File Filter workflow you mentioned earlier.
Vero Posted July 16, 2024 Posted July 16, 2024 @Binarynomad Thanks for sharing the response you received. Really appreciated!
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