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Workflows won't start

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So I'm brand new to this app, so this is likely user error hence why I'm not posting it under the bug forum. 


I just upgraded to Alfred 5, I've tried downloading some workflows - the simple ones seem to work fine; but for whatever reason the chatgpt one, emoji wine - frankly most of them will show themselves on the screen when I type in the keyword but if I hit space to continue the command they just go away without doing anything. In the case of the chatgpt one, they result pops up and if I try to hit enter to start a new chat it just doesn't do anything. 


Any idea what I could be missing here?


Thanks and sorry if this is a dumb question.


@tergar4 Welcome to the forum :) Adding to what @vitor has already said, it's likely that, unlike the simplest workflows, the ChatGPT and other workflows you've installed need a little bit of configuration before they can be used.


As Vítor suggested, check the Gallery page for details of what needs configuring, and don't hesitate to ask for more help once you've specified which workflow you're using and shared a more detailed report. :) 

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