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Alfrente - An Alfred Ente Workflow, similar to the Authy workflow that used to exist

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First of all, thanks to @chkpwd on Github for a lot of the base code for TOTP generation, and to Ente for making a great 2FA app that doesn't entirely lock you in and doesn't require a phone number to make an account. I'm talking to you, Authy!


If you have Authy right now, you can switch using any of these methods: https://help.ente.io/auth/migration-guides/authy/


If you have Authy and used momaek's authy workflow, you can switch even more effortlessly, using the method I highlight in the README of the Github Repo.

Let me know what you think, and if you have any questions. I'll be updating it in the coming week, hopefully polishing it up, and patiently waiting for Ente to drop a cli to make it even easier to use the workflow. Thanks!



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