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Alfred Preferences Regularly Hanging


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Recently, when I open Alfred Preferences I am getting regular hangs when performing many different tasks, for example searching for a workflow, selecting a workflow. The spin takes a couple of minutes then finishes so it is not a crash. I can't find a repeatable set of steps, this is general. Sonoma 14.6.1 and Alfred 5.5 2257


I attach a spindump from activity monitor and the report one gets when force quitting a hung app:



Edited by iandol
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@iandol The pause is while Alfred is trying to load a custom workflow icon. Do you have synced prefs? If so, it's likely they aren't stored locally:




If you are syncing your prefs, and they are already marked as available offline, try temporarily moving the prefs to a local folder.




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You are right, I have some Dropbox sync issues so offline files are not properly syncing (I work in China and everything has to be through a VPN). Re-syncing the prefs and the hanging has stopped, thank you!

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