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How to make sure searching Google Drive always uses the correct profile

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I am most often logged into Google in two different browsers.  One is personal, one is work.  I want my command-spacebar "drive 'xxx'" to only search the work drive.  It does this most of the time but I think it might be related to which browser window was last focus point before I start to search.


Is there a way to modify the search parameter settings in the command "drive ..." to ensure it always chooses the one I want?


My personal Google Drive has very limited files, the work one is huge.  I can always search the personal one manually, but what I love most about Alfred is how well it cuts valuable time off my repeated tasks.  If I can make this work is would be great.


Thanks for your thoughts.


Welcome @marepinta,


When asking for help, please be as specific as you can. Help us help you. What is the source of that drive command, are you using a workflow you built yourself or from someone else? Which one? It’s imperative we are on the same page to attempt a solution.


I am using command + spacebar to open my Alfred search
Then I type "drive - space - and whatever I want to search for in my Google Drive"
In the general settings page in Alfred, this is what shows ->image.thumb.png.a2a91f700f6eeb379b858a4479c763ed.png


I guess I am using the default one that says - Search google Drive for '{query}'


It is a default search.  I don't see how to modify it.


Thank you for the clarification. As per the name, that only does a web search. I.e. it opens a specific URL in your default browser. What happens next is up to the browser in question and your configurations.

To have it always open in a specific web browser (your work one), you can make a workflow. All you need is a Keyword Input connected to an Open URL Action. In the latter you can specify the web browser to use.

See the Getting Started Guide for an interactive tutorial on making a workflow. There is further documentation on the website to follow up (tip: find help for any object fast by clicking the (?) icon while editing). You may also be interested in the YouTube channel, the Simple Ideas series of forum posts, or the learning workflows in the Alfred Gallery.

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