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Restore worklfow preferences?

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I'm running Alfred 4, and one of my most commonly used workflows has several customizations I added to better fit my situation.


I recently checked for an update to the workflow and downloaded the new version, not realizing it was incompatible with Alfred 4.


Thankfully, the creator still maintains an Alfred 4 download, but when I pulled that I realized all of my customizations are obviously wiped.

https://github.com/caleb531/youversion-suggest-alfred/raw/main/YouVersion Suggest (Alfred 4).alfredworkflow


I was able to recover a user.workflow folder for this workflow that seems to contain all of my tweaks, but I don't see any way to restore this to Alfred. I tried moving the folder into the Workflow Data folder of my Alfred preferences folder, but Alfred just ignored that.


Is there anything else I can do, or am I forced to manually recreate those tweaks?

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