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Help if Shortcuts Workflow doesn't work

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This is a bit of help for anyone having trouble with the Shortcuts Workflow.

When first installing the workflow, it will prompt you for permission to use Shortcut Events, or something to that effect.  In my case, I was typing too fast or something, and accidentally dismissed the dialog before I could read what it said.  The workflow mostly doesn't work without that permission, which is understandable of course.  Because I hadn't been able to read the dialog, it took me a while to figure out what was wrong.  I tried reinstalling, disabling and enabling, and nothing worked.

Finally I remembered to go looking in the Privacy & Security settings (this is on macOS 14/Sonoma), then under Privacy, find Automation.  Alfred was listed in there, with Shortcuts Events disabled.  Once I toggled that switch on, the workflow worked.

Hopefully not many people have this issue, but if they do, I hope this helps.

CleanShot 2024-09-24 at 09.32.20@2x.png

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