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Workflow XML does not accept arg ?

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I've got a workflow that pulls down the latest exchange rate of bitcoins. Everything works great as long as I pass an "arg" which is a string. If I attempt to pass a variable, the workflow fails. 


See the python script here:





this works:



currentValue = 42
print ("<items><item uid='foo' arg='42' valid='yes'..... 


But this doesn't:
print ("<items><item uid='foo' arg="+currentValue+" valid='yes'.....







Thanks for the solution Tyler. I ended up using built in python libraries to make the code easier to maintain. This works perfectly now. 



from xml.etree.ElementTree import Element, SubElement, Comment,  tostring

currentValue = 42

items = Element('items')
item = SubElement(items, 'item')
item.set('uid', 'mtgoxprice')
item.set('arg', str(currentValue))
item.set('valid', 'yes')

title = SubElement(item, 'title')
title.text = "MtGox Current Rate"

subtitle = SubElement(item, 'subtitle')
subtitle.text = str(currentValue)

icon = SubElement(item, 'icon')
icon.text = "MtGox.png"

print tostring(items)


The finished product is here:


Edited by spuder
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I've got a workflow that pulls down the latest exchange rate of bitcoins. Everything works great as long as I pass an "arg" which is a string. If I attempt to pass a variable, the workflow fails. 


See the python script here:





this works:


currentValue = 42


print ("<items><item uid='foo' arg='42' valid='yes'.....
But this doesn't:
print ("<items><item uid='foo' arg="+currentValue+" valid='yes'.....


Looks like you're missing the quotes around the arg value; it should be:

currentValue = 42;
print("<items><item uid='foo' arg='" + currentValue + "' valid='yes'...

(Notice the extra single quotes before and after the double quotes)


Cheers :)

Edited by Tyler Eich
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Looks like you're missing the quotes around the arg value; it should be:

currentValue = 42;
print("<items><item uid='foo' arg='" + currentValue + "' valid='yes'...

(Notice the extra single quotes before and after the double quotes)


Cheers :)



I've got a workflow that pulls down the latest exchange rate of bitcoins. Everything works great as long as I pass an "arg" which is a string. If I attempt to pass a variable, the workflow fails. 


See the python script here:





this works:


currentValue = 42


print ("<items><item uid='foo' arg='42' valid='yes'.....
But this doesn't:
print ("<items><item uid='foo' arg="+currentValue+" valid='yes'.....


Well spotted Tyler, you beat me to it :) Thanks for helping

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