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Reminders Companion

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Display and edit reminders due today. This workflow explicitly tries not to implement all the features that other reminder-integrations have available, but is mostly tailored to my personal workflow. But since the workflow is probably nonetheless useful, I decided to share it here still.



  • Display reminders due today (or overdue) via the keyword rem. Alternatively, you can also use a hotkey for that.
    • ⏎: Complete the reminder.
    • ⌘⏎: If the reminder has a URL, open it in the default browser, otherwise, copy the reminder's text to the clipboard. Afterward, complete the reminder.
    • ⌥⏎: Edit the reminder in Alfred. (The first line is the reminder title, the rest is the reminder body.)
    • ⇧⏎: "Snooze" the reminder by changing its due date to tomorrow.
    • ⌃⏎: Display completed reminders due today as well. Using ⏎ on a completed reminder marks it as uncompleted. The other modifiers work the same as with uncompleted reminders. Use ⌃⏎ again to hide completed reminders again.
  • Quickly add a new reminder due today with the keyword qq. Alternatively, you can also use a hotkey to add the currently selected text or current browser tab as a reminder.
  • Add a reminder due at a future date with the keyword atdate.


➡️ https://github.com/chrisgrieser/alfred-reminders-companion



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