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Indexing issues

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I do not where to start.
Thank you for the 5.5 "end of life" update. Nothing works anymore (Mac M1, Seqouia) Never seen a Software Suicide like this (and I have seen some more). No App can be found, no docs are found. Congrats! You just swooshed away yorself from my horizon. Rebuliding database? Done. (did nothing except killing). Find file? Does nothing anymore. Find Mails? Off. Whe  I type 3 chars, it does something, but not what I expect. Are you sick? I am now working with the good old Aliases again.

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@rpb Let's start from the beginning; Alfred 5.5 has been out for a few months now, and is used by the majority of the community. It's been very reliable, and indexing isn't an issue. As such, we need to start by taking a look at the configuration on your Mac. 


Could you please provide the following details:

1. Please send your Diagnostics file, which you can get by typing "?diagnostics" into Alfred, to our info@ address. This will allow me to see version information as well as your Alfred configuration.


2. Open Alfred's File Troubleshooter:



Drag in at least three different files, i.e. an application, a file in your documents folder, etc... and paste the output in your forum reply, so that I can see whether there are any metadata issues we can take a look at.


Once I've had a look at these, I'll be able to point you in the right direction.


As a note, I can see that our previous conversation - which I realise was 10 years ago - showed that you had dragged your drive to the Spotlight Privacy tab, so just as an abundance of caution, please check this hasn't accidentally happened again, as this would result in macOS being unable to index your Mac.



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