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Alfred Tailscale – control tailscale and copy a device's ip to your clipboard.

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an alfred workflow to contol tailscale

▸ Visit on Github ◂






Download the workflow and run the ts command.

You need to have the official tailscale application from the AppStore installed.


You may connect tailscale, if tailscale is currently disconnected.

You may disconnect tailscale, if tailscale is currently connected.


If tailscale is connected, a list of all available devices is displayed. Press return to copy the selected ip adress to your clipboard.



Download from github



@mckls Welcome to the forum!


Cool workflow, I'll have to remember this when I finally get around to trying Tailscale myself. A few things I'd like to mention with the workflow:

  • The Script Filter shows Tailscale connected even when Tailscale isn't installed
  • The Website field is meant to be the website for your workflow, but it's currently set to kalus.me which shows me a blocked Apache webpage
  • I'd recommend filling in the built-in "About This Workflow" readme in the Workflow Configuration with some documentation, since your forum post and Github page both have very different usage instructions, neither of which are accessible or referenced from the Workflow itself.

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