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Help: Workflow to Extract and Display Links from Markdown Files

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I'm creating a workflow to extract all links (including x-devonthink-item:// deep links) from a Markdown file
and display them in Alfred for selection. Despite extensive testing, the links do not appear in Alfred,
although the script works perfectly in the terminal.



• Input: Select a Markdown file via a File Filter in Alfred.

• Output: Display all links in the file as individual Alfred items with actionable links.



1. File Filter:

• Scope: Targets Markdown files in a specific folder.

• Output: Passes the selected file path to the next step.

2. Run Script (Python 3):

import sys
import re
import json
from pathlib import Path

def extract_links(file_path):
        content = Path(file_path).read_text()
        links = re.findall(r"(https?://[^\s]+|x-devonthink-item://[^\s]+)", content)
        return {
            "items": [
                    "title": link,
                    "subtitle": "Press Enter to open this link",
                    "arg": link,
                    "valid": True
                for link in links
    except Exception as e:
        return {"items": [{"title": "Error", "subtitle": str(e), "valid": False}]}

if __name__ == "__main__":
    if len(sys.argv) > 1:
        file_path = sys.argv[1]
            "items": [{"title": "No file specified", "subtitle": "Please select a valid file", "valid": False}]

3. Open URL or Copy to Clipboard:

• Input: {query} from the script.

• Expected to open the selected link or copy it to the clipboard.


Issues Faced:

• The workflow passes the file path from the File Filter to the Run Script.

• The Python script correctly processes the file and outputs valid JSON when run in the terminal.

• However, Alfred does not display the results as actionable items. Not at all, just disappears. 


What I've Tried:

1. Debugging the workflow in Alfred:

• The Debugger confirms the file path is passed to the script.

• No errors are displayed, but Alfred doesn't show any results.

2. Simplified the script to output hardcoded JSON:

• Even hardcoded JSON fails to display in Alfred.

3. Confirmed the JSON structure meets Alfred's requirements:



2024.12.06 -  -  - [Alfred Preferences].png


I feel dumb now hahaha. That was so easy. It is my first workflow tho. 🤷
Thank you so much, appreciate the help. 


It seems to otherwise be going well already, the other objects make sense where they are, looks like a good and useful first workflow. Keep it up, we’re here to help if you have more questions.


Actually I do have another question since we are here. 

Is there any way to have my index results show numerically? Have tried scripting but not quite successfully. 
Thank you 

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