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Show/hide hidden files workflow breaks Utility Archiver & 'Show in Finder'

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Hi guys, 


This was an issue for me before V2 and Workflows and I'm curious if anyone else has this issue. In this instance it's related to this Workflow.


When I show/hide hidden files, Utility Archiver stops working. I can no longer unzip files. Also, "Show in Finder" stops working in any programs that have that option when you right-click a file.


The only way to fix it is to repair disk permissions. I have experienced this on 2 machines, both Retina MacBook Pro OSX 10.8.2 but I haven't tested on any other machines.




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Hi guys, 


This was an issue for me before V2 and Workflows and I'm curious if anyone else has this issue. In this instance it's related to this Workflow.


When I show/hide hidden files, Utility Archiver stops working. I can no longer unzip files. Also, "Show in Finder" stops working in any programs that have that option when you right-click a file.


The only way to fix it is to repair disk permissions. I have experienced this on 2 machines, both Retina MacBook Pro OSX 10.8.2 but I haven't tested on any other machines.





I haven't used that specific workflow but I looked into the code and the author isn't doing anything funny that I feel would cause any issues. It performs the same function that any other workflow would execute to perform this, and, the same code that most sites would recommend you execute in order to perform this from a terminal.

defaults write com.apple.Finder AppleShowAllFiles -bool YES
defaults write com.apple.Finder AppleShowAllFiles -bool NO
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