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Text AppleScripts not recognized or executed

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I am trying to execute my AppleScripts from within Alfred. I was surprised to find that I have to move them out of their standard location (~/Library/Scripts), because with LaunchBar I could execute them from there.


Now that I have copied them to another place on the hard drive and symlinked them back to the standard location, I have the following problems (that I did not have with LaunchBar):


- Applescripts in text form (.applescript extension) are not recognized by Alfred as Applescripts, i.e. they don't show up in the standard search (Applescripts enabled)

- Applescripts in text form are not executed when selected, but opened in Applescript Editor


Is there anything I can do besides converting to .scpt? As I use version control for my scripts, I would not like to do this...






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