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/bin/zsh for shell language

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I believe Andrew has said that none of the user-specific environment settings are loaded when shell scripts run. This is to make them able to be transferred freely to other users without compatibility issues. You just have to make sure you call the full path rather than any aliases you have set up. For example, in my own (bash) scripts, I can't just use "growlnotify" like I normally would, I have to put the whole "/usr/local/bin/growlnotify" into my scripts. Personally, if it's a command I'm going to be using a lot, I just manually add an alias at the top of the script. Or just do a find-replace when you're done. ;) )

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Strangely, when I alias, I cannot execute the binary:





alias audiodevice="/Users/Oliver/.bin/audiodevice"


This doesn't work. Nothing is echoed, thus the `audiodevice` binary is not running.


If I do this, however, it works:





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I don't know if it's the same for zsh, but for bash I discovered (thank you Google) that aliases aren't loaded by default when running scripts.


I had to add this to the top of my scripts:



#Enable aliases for this script
shopt -s expand_aliases




which did the trick.


Hope that helps.

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I don't know if it's the same for zsh, but for bash I discovered (thank you Google) that aliases aren't loaded by default when running scripts.


I had to add this to the top of my scripts:



#Enable aliases for this script
shopt -s expand_aliases




which did the trick.


Hope that helps.

Very helpful. Cheers.

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