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Mark Feedback Item As Selected

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Hey there Andrew! I was just rewriting one of my workflows when I had a sudden thought about what could be a neat feedback feature. If it's doable, it might be a little extra interface sugar if a worker of flow could flag a feedback item as the one that's automatically selected. For example, I'm outputting a list of Finder flag colors, but would like to be able to imply that the file is already red. Rather than adding another informational item or something along those lines, it would be nifty if I could add something like default="yes" to the red item. I don't have any kind of sense of how complex that would wind up being, since I know Alfred always starts from the top of the results list, but thought I'd throw it out there.

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@Andrew: True enough. Consistency is important! Enough so, at least, that I can't think of a relevant principle that'd trump it.


@_mk_: I'm not sure what you had in mind. It looks like this now, just a list of colors; I suppose I could add a file item and figure out how to add a color to it… somehow….


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@_mk_: I'm not sure what you had in mind. It looks like this now, just a list of colors; I suppose I could add a file item and figure out how to add a color to it… somehow….



I thought of adding the color to the file icon in the file list.


You could also move the already set label to the top of the list. But this could cause user confusion, too...

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