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Screen doesn't sleep after "Lock" command

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I was looking for a way to easily lock my screen at work and was pleased to discover that there's a command for that in Alfred. However, I've recently realized that when I lock the screen in this manner, the screen doesn't sleep as set in Energy Saver preferences.

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In terminal, if you type:


pmset sleepnow


This will put the computer to sleep, and this appears to be what Alfred does.


But, if you make a new workflow to simply run your screensaver with:


open /System/Library/Frameworks/ScreenSaver.framework/Versions/A/Resources/ScreenSaverEngine.app


Whatever your screensaver is set to will run when you type a keyword or hit a key combo ... depending on how you want to active it with Alfred.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I was looking for a way to easily lock my screen at work and was pleased to discover that there's a command for that in Alfred. However, I've recently realized that when I lock the screen in this manner, the screen doesn't sleep as set in Energy Saver preferences.


I use the screensaver keyword instead and set OS X to require password when coming back from screensaver in System Preferences > Security & Privacy > General.


It's a nice easy way to do it :)

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The screensaver method does work, but, some folks don't use the screensaver at all. I have cats, and they HATE my screensavers, so I just set my display to sleep after awhile. But, it would be nice to sleep the computer after awhile too. So, sleep display after 10 mins, and sleep after 1 hour.


So, I found that setting a required password after sleep OR screensaver in Security & Privacy in system prefs usually does the trick.

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