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Anyone Have a QuickCal Workflow?

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Upgraded to Alfred 2 and now my QuickCal doesn't work.

Does anyone have a QuickCal workflow or know of one

I can install?


I really don't have time to learn how to create them 

and learn scripts.





If I remember correctly, quick cal just uses a custom search URL to pass the new event string to quickcal. I'll try to check into it tomorrow. If nothing else, I'll check with Jim, the developer of quickcal.

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  • 3 months later...

Alfred still has support for QuickCal as always via a custom search. In Alfred prefs, go to Features->Web Search and create a new Custom Search. Set the url to something similar to: quickcal://quickadd?k=ABCD&q={query}. ABCD would be replaced by your integration key found in QuickCal preferences. For more advanced urls (including setting a custom calendar and creating todos, refer to the documentation provided by QuickCal here: http://help.quickcalapp.com/applaunchers/alfred/


If you need any further help, let me know. I'd be glad to help out.

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