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Opening a URL generated by a Script Filter

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Hey there, I'm trying to build a Kickstarter workflow that uses their suggestion engine and then directs you to the project's URL. I'm using David Ferguson's PHP Workflow library and basing it heavily off of Google Suggest. I'm retrieving the results just fine and I have the URL, but how do I then pass that URL to the Open URL Output item?

$wf = new Workflows();

$orig = "{query}";
$json = $wf->request("http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/search.json?search=&term=".urlencode($orig));
$json = json_decode($json);

foreach($json->projects as $project)
	$url = (preg_match('/<a href="(.*?)\?ref=live/', $project->card_html, $matches)) ? $matches[1] : '';
	$wf->result( $project->id, $project->name, $project->name, 'View '.$data.' on Kickstarter', 'icon.png');

$results = $wf->results();
if ( count( $results ) == 0 )
	$wf->result( 'googlesuggest', $orig, 'No Suggestions', 'No search suggestions found. Search Google for '.$orig, 'icon.png' );

echo $wf->toxml();
Edited by wesbaker
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Ahh, never mind me. I figured it out. The second parameter in 


is the parameter that gets passed on. Here's the updated code:

$wf = new Workflows();

$orig = "{query}";
$json = $wf->request("http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/search.json?search=&term=".urlencode($orig));
$json = json_decode($json);

foreach($json->projects as $project)
	$url = (preg_match('/<a href="(.*?)\?ref=live/i', $project->card_html, $matches)) ? 'http://kickstarter.com'.html_entity_decode($matches[1]) : '';
	$funded = (preg_match('/class=".*?funded".*?<strong>(.*?)<\/strong>/is', $project->card_html, $matches)) ? $matches[1] : '';
	$pledged = (preg_match('/class="pledged".*?<strong>(.*?)<\/strong>/is', $project->card_html, $matches)) ? $matches[1] : '';
	$by = (preg_match('/<span>\s*by(.*?)\s*<\/span>/is', $project->card_html, $matches)) ? trim($matches[1]) : '';
$successful = (stripos($project->card_html, 'project-pledged-successful">') !== FALSE) ? TRUE : FALSE;
	$failed = (stripos($project->card_html, 'project-failed') !== FALSE) ? TRUE : FALSE;
	$status = ($successful OR $failed) ? 'Inactive' : 'Active';
	$project->name = html_entity_decode($project->name, ENT_QUOTES);
	$wf->result($project->id, $url, $project->name, "{$status} | by {$by} | {$funded} funded | {$pledged} pledged", 'icon.png');

$results = $wf->results();
if ( count( $results ) == 0 )
	$wf->result( 'googlesuggest', $orig, 'No Suggestions', 'No search suggestions found. Search Google for '.$orig, 'icon.png' );

echo $wf->toxml();

And here's the download.

Edited by wesbaker
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  • 3 months later...
  • 4 months later...

Sorry to resurrect this topic, but the workflow is broken (I suspect Kickstarter updated their API?). Any chance of an update, please?


No worries, I was having similar problems. Kickstarter didn't actually change anything, I think the problem was related to Alfred's PHP framework, something changed. It's all fixed now since I'm just using native PHP. The downloads above have been updated.

Edited by wesbaker
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No worries, I was having similar problems. Kickstarter didn't actually change anything, I think the problem was related to Alfred's PHP framework, something changed. It's all fixed now since I'm just using native PHP. The downloads above have been updated.


Thanks again! It's a huge help once more.

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