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Workflow for maintenance mac os script

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Can anybody tell me what i have to do to start the maintenance scripts with an workflow ?


I mean the sudo periodic daily, weekly, monthly scripts.




Sorry for the bad english !!!!!!!!!


Best Regards



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Can anybody tell me what i have to do to start the maintenance scripts with an workflow ?


I mean the sudo periodic daily, weekly, monthly scripts.




Sorry for the bad english !!!!!!!!!


Best Regards




Create a workflow using the Template->Essentials->Keyword to Applescript to Notification template. Double click the keyword, and set the keyword for the script that you wish to run. Save all those settings then move to the Applescript piece. Inside the code block (it's marked where you should insert your code, add the Applescript code...

do shell script "<insert command to run script>" with administrator privileges

Replace the <insert command to run script> part with the actual command you would use at the terminal to run the script.


That should get you going.

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