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iam a absolute Newbie in Scripting and in Alfred V2 Workflows.

1. Question, before i upgrade Alfred to V2, i use a Applescript in Alfred for Outlook 2011 (hotkey -->move Message) After the Upgrade the Hotkey doesnt work.


What will i do? 

Building Hotkeys for different Functions in different Applikations, for Example:  Move Message in Outlook, Export Track in Rubitrack3.....


Therefore i want a central Tool for do this.


Can do this with Alfred, or a Automator Workflow starting in Alfred?






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iam a absolute Newbie in Scripting and in Alfred V2 Workflows.

1. Question, before i upgrade Alfred to V2, i use a Applescript in Alfred for Outlook 2011 (hotkey -->move Message) After the Upgrade the Hotkey doesnt work.


What will i do? 

Building Hotkeys for different Functions in different Applikations, for Example:  Move Message in Outlook, Export Track in Rubitrack3.....


Therefore i want a central Tool for do this.


Can do this with Alfred, or a Automator Workflow starting in Alfred?






If you could do it before with Alfred, you should definitely be able to do it now as well. There could just be a small step you are missing in setting up the workflow. Could you tell me what all you've done to create the hotkey workflow that you have created? Are you executing an AppleScript file or is it a text script that you are entering the code into Alfred directly?

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thank you for the fast Response.


I use this Script copied in "Alfred NSScript"



on alfred_script:

 File message to Archive folder


on run {}

tell application "Microsoft Outlook"

-- listSelectedItems : a list of all items selected in Entourage
set listMessages to current messages

-- Check to make sure items are selected, if not then quit
if ((count of listMessages) < 1) then return

-- Iterate through selected items
repeat with objInSelection in listMessages

set listFolders to mail folders

repeat with objFolder in listFolders

if (name of objFolder is "D3_Archiv") then
set gtdFolder to objFolder
end if

end repeat

if (class of account of objInSelection is not imap account) then
-- IMAP currently not supported
end if

end repeat

end tell

end runend alfred_script
and  i use this Workflow:
In the second Szenario, i recorded an Automated Workflow in Rubi3 save this as .app and trigger the Automatic .app Workflow in Alfred with a Hotkey   >Hotkey>  -----> Ap
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