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Markdown Help - insert formatted text links (from browser) and images

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This is a new version continuation of my workflow 'iA Writer Markdown', but it works with any markdown application you are using instead of only iA Writer + some other changes.


This workflow can be used to do 2 things in any markdown application:


  1. Grabs the URL from either Safari or Google Chrome, and uses it to format a markdown link on selected text in any markdown application.
  2. Grabs an image URL from the clipboard, and uses it to format a markdown image in any application (uses the frontmost application).


How to use the workflow - TEXT LINKS:


The first time you use the workflow you have to choose between 2 browser - Google Chrome or Safari. It'll be remembered by the workflow for later use, so you won't have to do this each time you use it. 



To reset the choice of browser, use the following keywords in Alfred: markurl reset


When the setup is done you can follow the instruction in the image below.





How to use the workflow - INSERT IMAGE:


To format an image you have to copy an image adress to the clipboard before you use the workflow. 


Use the following keyword to format/insert the image: img

If you want to control the width of the image, add it behind the 'img' keyword (like the image below).




Download Markdown Help 1.0



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  • 6 months later...

Pretty excited for this workflow, but it doesn't quite seem to be working for me -- at least not in BBEdit or TextEdit.




1. Highlight text for linke

2. hotkey / keyword activate

3. link shows up as expected in pop up window

4. hit enter ...and nothing happens


Poking around a bit, I notice that:


a. the clipboard has the highlighted text in it and nothing else

b. If i just position the cursor and then run markurl a 2nd time with nothing highlighted, it correctly pastes the text and link.

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