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Alfred -> Fantastical doesn't restore forcus to previous App


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When I open up Alfred, open Fantastical from within Alfred and then hit Escape to dismiss Fantastical, the focus is not restored to the previously used window.


I've already pointed this out to Flexibits support, but they think this is more likely an Alfred thing than a Fantastical thing.


I could imagine the problem could be solved by Alfred closing it's window (thereby restoring focus to the previous window) _before_ launching the selected application.

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When I open up Alfred, open Fantastical from within Alfred and then hit Escape to dismiss Fantastical, the focus is not restored to the previously used window.


I've already pointed this out to Flexibits support, but they think this is more likely an Alfred thing than a Fantastical thing.


I could imagine the problem could be solved by Alfred closing it's window (thereby restoring focus to the previous window) _before_ launching the selected application.


I won't be changing Alfred's focusing subsystem as this would have a huge impact on the way all other applications are launched, so it may be worth writing a quick workflow in Alfred to customise the exact behaviour you need. Pop a question in the workflow thread if you need any help :)




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