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Multi selection in Alfred results

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I don't know if this is possible so i am posting it here. 


Let's say I have three mounted disks and I only want to unmount two of them.

ASOT I have to repeat the process "Eject disk X" two times. 


What I do like to do is type the keyword of the workflow that unmount disks, select 

all the disk I want to unmount and click enter.


Another use case, when using the buffer, I have to type the name of the file I want to add, 

hit alt+up for any file I want to add. I would like to have to type the name of the file I want to add,

select all the files and I hit and special shortcut to add them to the buffer.


One could select the files by clicking or a la Finder (ie with a shortcut shift+down).



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For unmounting multiple disks at the same time I think one way would be to write a workflow that accepts multiple arguments. Now, I myself am unable to do this, but basically it would work like this:


Type "eject" and also one/two however many {query} arguments. Each {query} would be the name of the Drive/Volume to eject/unmount.


Then, the script filter would just pass the arguments to the main script to "diskutil eject {query}" in BASH


I am rather busy right now and also trying to figure some other pressing things out, BUT, I have wanted to do a workflow like this ever since Alfred2 was released. So I MAY get around to it if someone else doesn't.


PERHAPS, in the meantime, look at this workflow by smoovmaster and maybe it can be tweaked as I mentioned above.

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I don't know if this is possible so i am posting it here. 


Let's say I have three mounted disks and I only want to unmount two of them.

ASOT I have to repeat the process "Eject disk X" two times. 


What I do like to do is type the keyword of the workflow that unmount disks, select 

all the disk I want to unmount and click enter.


Another use case, when using the buffer, I have to type the name of the file I want to add, 

hit alt+up for any file I want to add. I would like to have to type the name of the file I want to add,

select all the files and I hit and special shortcut to add them to the buffer.


One could select the files by clicking or a la Finder (ie with a shortcut shift+down).


This would be really cool. I often find myself wishing the Buffer were more flexible and easy to use. Right now, it only holds files; however, many workflows return non-file results that could be processed in batch.


Example use: Alleyoop by Daniel Shannon. Say I want to update all the workflows except for one that I know introduced a nasty bug in the latest update; instead of activating each update individually (calling Alfred and waiting for Alleyoop every time), I simply add the desired updates to my Buffer, action the Buffer, and choose the 'Update workflows' option.


A feature like this has a lot of potential, both for developers and end users.


Cheers :)

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A bit off course, I would really find it useful if Alfred wouldn't magically dissapear every time I select a new window, there could be a check option for that. Countless times I need to keep an alfred window open and look at another window for a sec and then come back. Or copy some text by eye.

File navigation could be a lot better as well. Maybe tabs and multiple windows in the far term future (I can wait) also, Alfred ought to remember paths. When I go into say my volume directory hit macintosh hd, hit users hit my documents, close alfred, it only remembers up to volumes, really not good, and it happens with every directory that has somewhat of a path. //rant

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A bit off course, I would really find it useful if Alfred wouldn't magically dissapear every time I select a new window, there could be a check option for that. Countless times I need to keep an alfred window open and look at another window for a sec and then come back. Or copy some text by eye.

File navigation could be a lot better as well. Maybe tabs and multiple windows in the far term future (I can wait) also, Alfred ought to remember paths. When I go into say my volume directory hit macintosh hd, hit users hit my documents, close alfred, it only remembers up to volumes, really not good, and it happens with every directory that has somewhat of a path. //rant


Firstly—not sure what you mean about the path remembering.  That's working fine for me; Alfred remembers precisely the last path that was opened....


On tabs and multiple windows, I have this to say: If Alfred ever adds those features, I will almost certainly, regretfully, stop using it (or at least stop upgrading/updating).  Sorry to say, but in my opinion that would be the epitome of "bloatware": take a lightning-fast, extremely workable app and file launcher, and turn it into a PathFinder-esque file browser.  (Nothing wrong with PathFinder, but Alfred is NOT in the same category of application.)  Like tacking accounting software into an email application "because you receive bank statements by email."  It just doesn't make sense.


I'm also a little confused why you would need multi-tabs or windows for Alfred's file browser.  The main thing the file navigation is for is accessing the File Actions menu, isn't it?  Well, just use Finder (or purchase PathFinder) to navigate your multiple folders and whatnot, then access the file actions menu directly from Finder using the hotkey.


Having tried this, though, I see that there IS a missing feature here:


We need a built-in hotkey to add selected Finder items directly to Alfred's file buffer.  Alfred could then be called and the entire buffer activated all at once (just as it is now). I only realized just now that there is no way from the Finder to add files to Alfred's file buffer.  Now that would be a useful feature.

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I don't like using finder or any other file managers. I think alfred spoiled me, I expect a little too much of it. It would be kinda convenient for me, less apps the better, less use finder the better. Alfred has replaced or introduced me to quite a few utilities and File managing from alfred is something that could be pretty cool for me.

Path remembering is oddly not working, kinda strange it used to work I guess a reindex.

Edited by Racer
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