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Can anyone help me create a Workflow?

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Hi all,


I´m trying to create a workflow but I don't have the skills to do it.


I use Alfred a lot and I looooove football and I'm always searching information in the www.footballzz.co.uk site to win some arguments with my friend. 


The workflow is basically searching in Alfred 2 and getting the drop-information that appears in the search field in the site.


Can anyone help me?




Sorry about my English...

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Hi all,


I´m trying to create a workflow but I don't have the skills to do it.


I use Alfred a lot and I looooove football and I'm always searching information in the www.footballzz.co.uk site to win some arguments with my friend. 


The workflow is basically searching in Alfred 2 and getting the drop-information that appears in the search field in the site.


Can anyone help me?




Sorry about my English...


If you want to launch a footballzz.co.uk search from Alfred, go to Alfred Preferences > Features > Web Search > Search and click the 'Add Custom Search' button in the lower right. Put http://www.footballzz.co.uk/search.php?search_string={query}&go=search+%3E in the 'Search URL:' field, and check the box 'Encode spaces as +'. Give it a title, a keyword, and hit OK.


Now if you type your keyword followed by a word, Alfred will open a web search at footballzz.co.uk with your word already entered into the search box.


Cheers :)

Edited by Tyler Eich
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