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Search a Table for a specific row?

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I'm sure there are multiple ways to do this, but I seem to be having a creativity block.  I'd appreciate any suggestions.


I have an excel table with a list of companies, and a row of details about each company.  I frequently need to search for the row from one of those companies.  So is there a way to create an Alfred workflow to search a company name get a quick view of the row?


Obviously I can do a IN search and find the file, but not see the row.  I'd be happy to put a version of the table in some other format/tool/whatever (google docs, evernote, bento, etc...) to facilitate the search.


Any thoughts?

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I'm sure there are multiple ways to do this, but I seem to be having a creativity block.  I'd appreciate any suggestions.


I have an excel table with a list of companies, and a row of details about each company.  I frequently need to search for the row from one of those companies.  So is there a way to create an Alfred workflow to search a company name get a quick view of the row?


Obviously I can do a IN search and find the file, but not see the row.  I'd be happy to put a version of the table in some other format/tool/whatever (google docs, evernote, bento, etc...) to facilitate the search.


Any thoughts?


Is it an xlsx file or a csv? A csv could probably be read, parsed, and searched pretty easy to show the info you want as live results in Alfred.

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Write a workflow in pearl to parse the information. There are a lot of examples here: http://search.cpan.org/~jmcnamara/Excel-Writer-XLSX/lib/Excel/Writer/XLSX/Examples.pm


For Ruby, you can use: http://roo.rubyforge.org/


For Python, you can use this library: https://bitbucket.org/ericgazoni/openpyxl/


For PHP, you can use this library: http://phpexcel.codeplex.com/


So, pick which language you prefer and use the library to access the files any way you want!

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