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Autocompletion does not work on symlinks (aliases)


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Alfred app autocompletion doesn't work with symlinks (aliases in OS X lingo).


Steps to reproduce:


(Note: I have done this only with the command line, but I guess OS X's "make an alias" will work)

  1. Create an alias to /Applications of a .app folder (using the command line utility "ln" or Finder).
  2. Type that app's name.

Expected result: the app comes up in the dropdown.


Actual result: the app doesn't come up in the dropdown.


Alfred v2.0.8 (212)

OS X 10.8.5

MBA 2013

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Alfred app autocompletion doesn't work with symlinks (aliases in OS X lingo).


Steps to reproduce:


(Note: I have done this only with the command line, but I guess OS X's "make an alias" will work)

  1. Create an alias to /Applications of a .app folder (using the command line utility "ln" or Finder).
  2. Type that app's name.

Expected result: the app comes up in the dropdown.


Actual result: the app doesn't come up in the dropdown.


Alfred v2.0.8 (212)

OS X 10.8.5

MBA 2013


OS X treats aliases / symlinks as aliases and symlinks, so when Alfred asks for applications, these aren't returned. Instead of adding a symlink, you'll need to add the path of the original app into Alfred's default search scope and Alfred will find the original. The scopes are recursive, so you'll e.g. only need to add the cellar folder for homebrew to find all apps within.


[moving to help sub forum]




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  • 1 month later...

If you use homebrew, you can do the following (assume you are installing evernote):


% brew tap phinze/cask

% brew install brew-cask

% hash -r

% brew cask alfred link

% brew cask install evernote


Now, typing "Ev…" should autocomplete to "Evernote". Apps are installed to "/opt/homebrew-cask/Caskroom" and this directory is indexed by alfred after typing "brew cask alfred link".

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