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Viscosity.app workflow

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Howdy All,


I've written a workflow that works with Viscosity, which you can use to start or stop OpenVPN connections.


The configured keyword is 'vpn'. That will show all of your configured networks:




And autocomplete (case-insensitively) on the argument, if one is provided:




You can inspect the source on Github.


Here's some commands you can run in Terminal that will import it into Alfred:

cd ~/Library/Application\ Support/Alfred\ 2/Alfred.alfredpreferences/workflows
curl https://nodeload.github.com/andrewschleifer/viscosity-alfredworkflow/zip/master > \
unzip viscosity-alfredworkflow.zip
rm viscosity-alfredworkflow.zip


New Feature Update:


1. The subtitle now tells you if actioning that selection will connect or disconnect from that network.

2. There are Connect All/Disconnect All operations that will act on all VPN connections you've defined.



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Hi Andrew,


I'm keen to use your workflow, but am having problems getting it to show in Alfred. I've downloaded the zip file from Github, but I'm not sure what to do from here? I've tried renaming the zip extension to .alfredworkflow, amongst other things. Otherwise I have tried directly importing using the commands you've given in Terminal, but it just doesn't show in the workflows pane.


Any thoughts would be appreciated.





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