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Alfred not visible after lock on Mavericks

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Hi there,


I found a bug on OS X 10.9. When I lock the display with Alfred command and login back I can't open Alfred anymore. The UI seems to recognize the command but the input window is not visible. I work with several Spaces and already checked if Alfred comes up on any other screen. I have Alfred 2.1 (218) with the Powerpack.

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Hi there,


I found a bug on OS X 10.9. When I lock the display with Alfred command and login back I can't open Alfred anymore. The UI seems to recognize the command but the input window is not visible. I work with several Spaces and already checked if Alfred comes up on any other screen. I have Alfred 2.1 (218) with the Powerpack.



When you migrated to Mavericks did you perform a clean install or perform an upgrade? I'm wondering if this is another issue caused by Apple's not-so-perfect upgrade. I've noticed lots of friends and others (not just with Alfred) mentioning issues with things after the Mavericks upgrade that users who performed a fresh install didn't experience. I am one of the users that performed a clean install and can't seem to replicate your issue right now.


One thing we like to try when there are weird issues is for users to create a new user account, log into it, and see if they can still replicate the issue on a new account. Can you verify whether you have the same issue on a new user account?

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The Problem seems to be a bigger issue in Mavericks itself. In some cases every open application is positioned in the upper left or upper right corner and can't be moved away from there. The only solution i've found so far is to kill all affected apps and restart them.


I did a clean install of Mavericks.

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I too have this exact issue. It seems to only happen after using Alfred's "Lock" feature, and seems to affect Chrome, Adium and tools I use for shortcuts (Divvy, Shortcat).


Could you try creating a new user account and logging in there to see if you still have the same issue? I am unable to replicate the issue running the current version of Alfred and Mavericks

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I'm also having this problem.  It doesn't happen every single time I lock from alfred, but it does happen often.  Maybe about 40 - 50 percent of the time.  Here's the apple discussion about this issue for anyone interested.




Thanks for the link - lets hope Apple get this fixed!


Have you tried a new user account on your Mac like somebody suggested on there?

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Btw, for users experiencing this issue, it might be worth turning off the lock command in Alfred and using the screensaver command instead (change the keyword to lock, and set OS X to need a password to when the screensaver becomes active).

In addition, shift + ctrl + eject/power is a nice way of triggering screensaver which doesn't cause this issue.

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