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fade option not carrying over to action window


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Under Appearance | Options | Fade in Alfred Window DE-SELECTED I am seeing what is expected on the main Alfred window.  However, after selecting a file using tab then being shown action options (e.g., Open, Open with..., etc.) the command numbers (CMD + number) fade out and make the interface much less usable.  Is it possible to have this screen accept the same fade preference as the first screen?


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Under Appearance | Options | Fade in Alfred Window DE-SELECTED I am seeing what is expected on the main Alfred window.  However, after selecting a file using tab then being shown action options (e.g., Open, Open with..., etc.) the command numbers (CMD + number) fade out and make the interface much less usable.  Is it possible to have this screen accept the same fade preference as the first screen?


These options are actually unrelated. The fade means the Alfred window appearing gradually when you first show him.


The numbers fade out in every situation where there are more than 9 results as naturally there is no cmd+10 and up. It shouldn't affect usability too much as you can pretty much guess which number is which on the last few that fade out.


[moving to noted]

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