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[Newbie] Run applescript to log completed OF tasks to Evernote

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Hey all,


Total newbie to the scripting world (I like to get in over my head sometimes though) but found a really useful applescript here for my workflow: 




Bascially I want to call this applescript up when I type in "log" into alfred. I have the workflow laid out, but it doesn't seem to be firing. See here: http://cnrad.pw/p3WK


And the script I just pasted into the applescript window like so: http://cnrad.pw/LWzU


Must be something I'm missing. Probably really simple. Thanks in advance for the help. 

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Hey all,


Total newbie to the scripting world (I like to get in over my head sometimes though) but found a really useful applescript here for my workflow: 




Bascially I want to call this applescript up when I type in "log" into alfred. I have the workflow laid out, but it doesn't seem to be firing. See here: http://cnrad.pw/p3WK


And the script I just pasted into the applescript window like so: http://cnrad.pw/LWzU


Must be something I'm missing. Probably really simple. Thanks in advance for the help. 


What version of OS X are you running? The reason I ask is, the article, while not extremely old, is from April 2013 and  Mavericks has since been released. I just tried to recreate the workflow with the script located at the link you provided and i'm getting AppleScript errors (in Console.app). I personally don't use either of those apps and therefore don't have them installed but have you by chance tried executing this script in AppleScript Editor to see if it works normally there?

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