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Alfred not listing my apps after upgrade to v2.2 (243)

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Alfred is no longer listing my apps after upgrading v2.2 (243). See screenshots attached.


I have restarted Alfred. I've rebooted my Mac. I'm on 10.8.4 (corporate computer -- can't upgrade to Mavericks yet).


Screenshots here:




Alfred cleared his app cache when upgrading to 2.2, so if apps aren't showing, there will be an indexing issue on your Mac.


First thing to check is that /Applications is correctly listed in Alfred's Features > Default Results > Search Scope. If it is, then try rebuilding your OS X metadata using the shortcut in Alfred's Advanced prefs.


Let me know how you get on :)




Posted (edited)

I've noticed the same thing. Tried rebuilding the metadata cache and index, but nothing. It's very weak now, and almost nothing shows up. Applications, and preference panes are the most notably absent.

Edited by kevinSuttle

I've noticed the same thing. Tried rebuilding the metadata cache and index, but nothing. It's very weak now, and almost nothing shows up. Applications, and preference panes are the most notably absent.


Did you check the search scope I mentioned? If some paths are missing from this, perhaps click the 'reset' button.

Posted (edited)

Having the same issue.

After updating, both Alfred and Spotlight was missing a whole bunch of apps (such as Photoshop and Activity Monitor).

I've cleared cache, rebuilt metadata, relaunched the software, double-checked Spotlight settings, and made sure the scope is correct--which it obviously is, since several applications in the same folder(s) pop up.

I'm still missing the above-mentioned apps.


(OS X 10.8.5)

Edited by opem

Having the same issue.

After updating, both Alfred and Spotlight was missing a whole bunch of apps (such as Photoshop and Activity Monitor).

I've cleared cache, rebuilt metadata, relaunched the software, double-checked Spotlight settings, and made sure the scope is correct--which it obviously is, since several applications in the same folder(s) pop up.

I'm still missing the above-mentioned apps.


If Spotlight is missing apps, then it will be an indexing issue in OS X. Did you tick the "Delete /.Spotlight-V100" option when rebuilding metadata from Alfred's Advanced prefs? Did you see "Indexing Enabled" in the terminal window which popped up after starting the reindex.


The search scope is fine, and I did reset it, but I can't get to System Preferences or individual pref panes now. Applications was checked, but disabled. Only some applications show up. Seems like the metadata is mangled somewhere.


The search scope is fine, and I did reset it, but I can't get to System Preferences or individual pref panes now. Applications was checked, but disabled. Only some applications show up. Seems like the metadata is mangled somewhere.


Is Spotlight finding the preference panes which Alfred isn't?


I'm thinking this is my fault, because I changed the weight order of Spotlight's results and messed up the metadata by reindexing. 




If you are messing with the Spotlight config plists, I can't make any guarantee that these will be compatible with Alfred.


Drop one of the apps which Alfred isn't finding into this tool and let's see the response:




I tried Tweetbot:



Internal File Metadata
 Display Name: Tweetbot
    Alt Names: Tweetbot.app
    File Type: com.apple.application-bundle
    Last Used: 2014-03-19 20:02:09 +0000
Raw mdls File Metadata
kMDItemAlternateNames               = (
kMDItemAppStoreAdamID               = "557168941"
kMDItemAppStoreCategory             = "Social Networking"
kMDItemAppStoreCategoryType         = "public.app-category.social-networking"
kMDItemAppStoreHasReceipt           = 1
kMDItemAppStoreInstallerVersionID   = "348322644"
kMDItemAppStoreIsAppleSigned        = 1
kMDItemAppStorePurchaseDate         = 2014-02-06 18:40:57 +0000
kMDItemAppStoreReceiptIsRevoked     = 0
kMDItemAppStoreReceiptIsVPPLicensed = 0
kMDItemAppStoreReceiptType          = "Production"
kMDItemCFBundleIdentifier           = "com.tapbots.TweetbotMac"
kMDItemContentCreationDate          = 2014-01-29 19:00:13 +0000
kMDItemContentModificationDate      = 2014-02-06 18:42:14 +0000
kMDItemContentType                  = "com.apple.application-bundle"
kMDItemContentTypeTree              = (
kMDItemDateAdded                    = 2014-02-06 18:42:14 +0000
kMDItemDisplayName                  = "Tweetbot"
kMDItemExecutableArchitectures      = (
kMDItemFSContentChangeDate          = 2014-02-06 18:42:14 +0000
kMDItemFSCreationDate               = 2014-01-29 19:00:13 +0000
kMDItemFSCreatorCode                = ""
kMDItemFSFinderFlags                = 0
kMDItemFSHasCustomIcon              = (null)
kMDItemFSInvisible                  = 0
kMDItemFSIsExtensionHidden          = 1
kMDItemFSIsStationery               = (null)
kMDItemFSLabel                      = 0
kMDItemFSName                       = "Tweetbot.app"
kMDItemFSNodeCount                  = 1
kMDItemFSOwnerGroupID               = 0
kMDItemFSOwnerUserID                = 0
kMDItemFSSize                       = 10871597
kMDItemFSTypeCode                   = ""
kMDItemKind                         = "Application"
kMDItemLanguages                    = (
kMDItemLastUsedDate                 = 2014-03-19 20:02:09 +0000
kMDItemLogicalSize                  = 10871597
kMDItemPhysicalSize                 = 12566528
kMDItemUseCount                     = 4
kMDItemUsedDates                    = (
    "2014-03-18 05:00:00 +0000",
    "2014-03-19 05:00:00 +0000"
kMDItemVersion                      = "1.4.2"


I tried Tweetbot:



The metadata for Tweetbot looks ok... To rule out a metadata issue, could you create a new user account on your Mac, switch to that user and try from there?


So, I fixed Alfred missing Applications by adding /Applications to the search scope. It would be nice if I could manually type custom file types instead of having to drag them, because it's very difficult  (impossible?) to drag a .prefPane file unless you know where to find it. 


So, I fixed Alfred missing Applications by adding /Applications to the search scope. It would be nice if I could manually type custom file types instead of having to drag them, because it's very difficult  (impossible?) to drag a .prefPane file unless you know where to find it. 


Ah, checking /Applications was the first thing I replied to you and you said search scope was fine! :)


You shouldn't need to drag a prefPane file in as that would be automatically included when Preference is ticked.





I've followed all of the steps you've mentioned. Applications is checked but disabled, under search scope. See:


Apps is greyed out as it's always ticked (Apps included) and you can't untick it... could I see a bigger screenshot to see the search scope too?


Could you also drop one of the apps which isn't being found into the metadata tool I mentioned:






Ah, checking /Applications was the first thing I replied to you and you said search scope was fine! :)


You shouldn't need to drag a prefPane file in as that would be automatically included when Preference is ticked.





True, search scope was fine, but it still wasn't able to be un-ticked, nor was it being picked up until I added it specifically. 

As far as prefpanes, I'd want to be able to be explicit here also, just as I was with /Applications. I shouldn't have to in theory, 

but in this case, it'd be the fix I needed. 




I'm having the same issue with system preference panes. Just noticed that Displays can't be found by Alfred after upgrading. Haven't noticed any issue with other panes or any applications. Spotlight finds Displays just fine. Search scope seems fine, and as I said Alfred finds all other preference panes without issues, this seems isolated to Displays.


I'm having the same issue with system preference panes. Just noticed that Displays can't be found by Alfred after upgrading. Haven't noticed any issue with other panes or any applications. Spotlight finds Displays just fine. Search scope seems fine, and as I said Alfred finds all other preference panes without issues, this seems isolated to Displays.


Could you try manually adding in the path to the preference panes to the search scope...



Posted (edited)

Could you try manually adding in the path to the preference panes to the search scope...




It was already there, but I removed and re-added it and now Displays shows up again. I should note that I had also rebooted, so I can't say for sure which of these actions cleared the issue, but there's apparently something there not quite working as it should.

Edited by demattia
  • 2 weeks later...

I'm having this same issue. I have rebuilt the meta data and cleared the app cache using the alfred advanced preferences. My applications show up fine in spotlight but may/most do not appear when I search in Alfred. HELP!


I'm having this same issue. I have rebuilt the meta data and cleared the app cache using the alfred advanced preferences. My applications show up fine in spotlight but may/most do not appear when I search in Alfred. HELP!


There may be corruption somewhere, could you please quit Alfred and reset a few preference files (this will reset some core things such as your main hotkey). Delete the following files:


Then restart Alfred and see how it goes. If this doesn't work, it might be worth deleting Alfred's cache databases. Quit Alfred again and delete the following folder:
~/Library/Application Support/Alfred 2/Databases/
Let me know how you get on!

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