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Editing Category name moves workflows to "Uncategorised" / Adding workflow to a category resets search [Fixed 2.3 b262]


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I had just finished categorizing some workflows, and decided to rename the workflow. When I was done and I selected that category, it was empty. I selected one of the workflows I had just assigned to that category (previous to the renaming) and found it was "Uncategorised". 


Also, it'd be nice if one could create categories while in the Details view of a workflow, instead of having to get out of the workflow Details window and go to the search field.

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I use the  Uncategorised search view as a kind of "inbox" from which to select workflows that need assigning to categories. But every time I assign one to a new category, instead of that workflow disappearing from the Uncategorised search view, the search resets to "All". Makes it very tedious to change categories for workflows.

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I use the  Uncategorised search view as a kind of "inbox" from which to select workflows that need assigning to categories. But every time I assign one to a new category, instead of that workflow disappearing from the Uncategorised search view, the search resets to "All". Makes it very tedious to change categories for workflows.


I can't reproduce this... the search doesn't reset and the item disappears as expected. Could you provide a bit more info?




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I had just finished categorizing some workflows, and decided to rename the workflow. When I was done and I selected that category, it was empty. I selected one of the workflows I had just assigned to that category (previous to the renaming) and found it was "Uncategorised". 


Also, it'd be nice if one could create categories while in the Details view of a workflow, instead of having to get out of the workflow Details window and go to the search field.


I can't reproduce this either, but it sounds like something is broken with your categories in general. Do you have syncing setup, and if so, are all of your instances of Alfred 2 up to date?

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Sorry, I used the wrong word in the first post. When I said "I had just finished categorizing some workflows, and decided to rename the workflow." I meant to write, "I had just finished categorizing some workflows, and decided to rename the category."



Here's a detailed set of steps to reproduce the search reset:

1. Use the search field and select Uncategorized, so that any Workflows that have no category shows up.

2. Double-click on a Workflow, which brings up the details view (Name, Description, Category, Bundle ID, etc…)

3. Change the category there to another value.

4. This should swap the view on the left to All categories.


Step-by-step to reproduce category rename bug:

1. Find a category with Workflows assigned to it.

2. Click on the search field and select the Edit Categories option near the bottom

3. Rename the category chosen in step 1.

4. Save, and then revisit the search field and select the renamed category (should result in now Workflows)

5. Select the Uncategorised category; it should contain all of the categories formerly in the renamed category.


Note that I've recently discovered the ability to right-click on Workflows to assign to categories; that doesn't cause any of the first issue; it's only when I double-click and change the category in the drop-down dialogue that the search view resets to All.


As for syncing, yes. I do have sync via dropbox set up. I can't recall if my other computer is up to date. I'll try to verify that tonight.

Edited by rdg
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Sorry, I used the wrong word in the first post. When I said "I had just finished categorizing some workflows, and decided to rename the workflow." I meant to write, "I had just finished categorizing some workflows, and decided to rename the category."



Here's a detailed set of steps to reproduce the search reset:

1. Use the search field and select Uncategorized, so that any Workflows that have no category shows up.

2. Double-click on a Workflow, which brings up the details view (Name, Description, Category, Bundle ID, etc…)

3. Change the category there to another value.

4. This should swap the view on the left to All categories.


Step-by-step to reproduce category rename bug:

1. Find a category with Workflows assigned to it.

2. Click on the search field and select the Edit Categories option near the bottom

3. Rename the category chosen in step 1.

4. Save, and then revisit the search field and select the renamed category (should result in now Workflows)

5. Select the Uncategorised category; it should contain all of the categories formerly in the renamed category.


Note that I've recently discovered the ability to right-click on Workflows to assign to categories; that doesn't cause any of the first issue; it's only when I double-click and change the category in the drop-down dialogue that the search view resets to All.


As for syncing, yes. I do have sync via dropbox set up. I can't recall if my other computer is up to date. I'll try to verify that tonight.


Thanks for the steps to reproduce! I have confirmed both issues using Alfred 2 v2.2 (243) on Mac OS X 10.9.2 (13C64). Also syncing with Dropbox (all Macs up to date).

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The renaming categories issue is definitely a bug, I'll get that fixed in the next release.


As for changing the category in the workflow edit sheet, this is by design as it makes sure the workflow you are editing remains selected when you hit save. The only guaranteed way of doing this is by resetting the search if the category has been changed - so I'm going to leave this behaviour as is. As you have spotted, you can use the popup menu for categorising en-masse.




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