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Multiple (or variant) Alfred shortcut keys?

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Hi..I'm rebuilding everything after using the "nuclear option" on my hard-drive yesterday (great fun), and I'm running into a features that I *think* I'm missing (or else I'm just losing my mind). I have Alfred v2 and the Powerpack.  I *believe* that I had it set so that a slightly different shortcut invoked Alfred, depending on whether I was using my laptop keyboard vs the bluetooth keyboard (that goes to same laptop). Control-space on the laptop and option-space on the bluetooth-keyboard. (It's a muscle memory thing - just believe me that it makes sense.) 


I'm not sure how I came to set that up, previously. I poked around the support docs and forum to no avail. It's fine if BOTH shortcuts do it on BOTH keyboards, maybe that was it (but still don't know how to add another Alfred-invoking hotkey). 


Thanks for any help!

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If the feature is available, I haven’t run into it. It’s easy to reproduce with a workflow, though, since you don’t mind both shortcuts being available at the same time.
If you want to go the workflow route, set one shortcut as usual, and for the other create a new workflow, and setup both a Hotkey node (where you’ll set your other shortcut), and a Run Script node. Connect them together. On the Run Script node, set Language to /usr/bin/osacript, and on the Script box, put tell application "Alfred 2" to search. It should now work.

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If you setup a workflow and add a hotkey, you can set the "Action" option in the hotkey's configuration to "Show Alfred", so you could indeed have a second hotkey to show Alfred.


To make Alfred show quickly with this second hotkey, be sure to click in the hotkey field and set the trigger mode to fastest :)

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