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Workflow gives error when running AppleScript

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When running this workflow I see the following error in Alfred's debug pane. No output makes it to the notification action.



[ERROR: alfred.workflow.action.applescript] {

    NSAppleScriptErrorAppName = "Alfred 2";

    NSAppleScriptErrorBriefMessage = "every item of trash doesn\U2019t understand the \U201ccount\U201d message.";

    NSAppleScriptErrorMessage = "every item of trash doesn\U2019t understand the \U201ccount\U201d message.";

    NSAppleScriptErrorNumber = "-1708";

    NSAppleScriptErrorRange = "NSRange: {425, 14}";



Hard coding a value for the relevant line causes the workflow to run fine. The script runs fine in AppleScript editor (although bizarrely it gives a value of zero for the number of items in my trash - so if anyone knows why that is I'd be grateful for their input).

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When running this workflow I see the following error in Alfred's debug pane. No output makes it to the notification action.



Hard coding a value for the relevant line causes the workflow to run fine. The script runs fine in AppleScript editor (although bizarrely it gives a value of zero for the number of items in my trash - so if anyone knows why that is I'd be grateful for their input).


The code below seems to work (does not verify if trash is empty):

set trash_size to (do shell script "du -sk ~/.Trash/ | awk '{print $1}'") as integer
set units to {"KB", "MB", "GB", "TB"}
set i to 1

repeat while trash_size is greater than 1000
	set trash_size to trash_size / 1000
	set i to i + 1
end repeat

set trash_size to roundTo(trash_size, 1)

tell application "Finder" to set num_items to count (every item in trash)

trash_size & item i of units & " for " & (num_items) & " items" as string

on roundTo(n, numDecimals)
	set x to 10 ^ numDecimals
	(((n * x) + 0.5) div 1) / x
end roundTo

Note that I set i to 1 initially and call Finder to get trash items.

Edited by Carlos-Sz
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Awesome! Thank you! Any idea what I was doing wrong? Both for the error message and the 0 count for items in the trash.

Having a very small file in trash lead the 'i' equal to zero which is not a valid index in your units list.

In addition you have to ask Finder about trash items which the original code didn't.

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But why did the same code run fine in AppleScript Editor and not in Alfred?

That's interesting. Is that a recent(ish) change? I found numerous bits of code online for getting the number of items in the trash via AppleScript and none of them asked the Finder.

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The original code didn't work in my AppleScript Editor (Script Debugger).

But why did the same code run fine in AppleScript Editor and not in Alfred?

That's interesting. Is that a recent(ish) change? I found numerous bits of code online for getting the number of items in the trash via AppleScript and none of them asked the Finder.

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Huh. It worked just fine in mine. No errors. Weird.


If I run the original code in AppleScript Editor the "(count of items) in trash” returns zero items but if I type “tell application Finder” then it will return the number of items in trash properly.


Anyway, I don’t know why AppleScript Editor is not showing an error.

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