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File Search has an issue in search chinese name folder


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I am a chinese Alfred user,


The issue I'm having is that when I search a chinese name folder "上海美吉",  I use '美' to search this folder is succeed,but when I use '美吉' is failed.


When I search again it has the same issue.




The Alfred version & build number is:v2.3(264)

OS X version: 10.9.4 chinese language

Edited by wellsnake
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I am a chinese Alfred user,


The issue I'm having is that when I search a chinese name folder "上海美吉",  I use '美' to search this folder is succeed,but when I use '美吉' is failed.


When I search again it has the same issue.




The Alfred version & build number is:v2.3(264)

OS X version: 10.9.4 chinese language


Hi there,


Alfred uses word boundaries when searching for folders / files and how word boundaries are treated is controlled by OS X's metadata server. It looks like the behaviour you describe also affects Spotlight, so if the word boundaries are being treated incorrectly, this could be an issue outside of Alfred's control.


I'm going to move this to noted in case the behaviour changes in OS X, then I will check if Alfred is still affected.




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