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searching script filter results?

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require 'json'
require 'net/http'
require "rexml/document"

jsonUrl = 'jsonFile'
resp = Net::HTTP.get_response(URI.parse(jsonUrl))
data = resp.body

result = JSON.parse(data)
document = REXML::Element.new("items")
result['data'].each {
 x['properties'].each {
 	new_item = REXML::Element.new('item')
	    'uid'          => 'test', 
	    'arg'          => y['id'], 
	    'valid'        => 'no', 
	    'autocomplete' => y['name']
	REXML::Element.new("title", new_item).text    = y['name']
	document << new_item
puts document.to_s

So I have this script filter that loads in a JSON file and the result you select sends off an ID to open a webpage using that ID.


It is fired by typing 'dashboard search_item_here'


The results all load into alfred fine, however it just loads all my results in and you have to select them manually with the up/down arrows (theres over 100 results). I want it to filter the results taking the 'search_item_here' text but I'm totally lost on how to do that? What am i missing?


Thanks all

So I have this script filter that loads in a JSON file and the result you select sends off an ID to open a webpage using that ID


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But I also solved my own problem, I thought this was somethign that alfred would handle but I just built it into ruby


for other peoples use, i'm now using:

require 'json'
require 'net/http'
require "rexml/document"

jsonUrl = 'JSON url'
resp = Net::HTTP.get_response(URI.parse(jsonUrl))
data = resp.body

result = JSON.parse(data)
document = REXML::Element.new("items")
results = Hash.new();
result['data'].each {
 x['properties'].each {
 	|y , i|
	searchName = y['name'].downcase
	if searchName.include? "{query}" 
		results[y['name']] = y['id']
	 	new_item = REXML::Element.new('item')
		    'uid'          => 'test', 
		    'arg'          => y['id'], 
		    'valid'        => 'no', 
		    'autocomplete' => y['name']
		REXML::Element.new("title", new_item).text    = y['name']
		document << new_item
puts document.to_s

if anyone knows of a way to make this faster however.. I'd be very greatful

  • 2 weeks later...

If you want to make it faster, cache the JSON file.


The way Alfred works is it will call your workflow every time you type a letter. So, it will try to call the workflow 4 times if your query is 'test'. Alfred won't call your workflow again until the previous run has finished, so typically your workflow will block for several seconds if it does something really slow like getting data from the web.


I don't know what JSON file you're grabbing, so I've no idea whether 10 seconds or 10 hours is a more appropriate time to cache it for, but that's what you need to do to speed up the workflow.


As Dean said, caching is always a good idea. It will give you the best bang for your buck.


It sometimes helps to have a minimum number of characters for the argument before you start searching. Generally searches with fewer than three or four characters are worthless,

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