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Changing keyboard input

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Is it possible to implement some workflow that would let me do:


1: Open Alfred

2: Type "arabic" (or input [language/layout])

3: Alfred will change my current input to that specific language/input/keyboard layout


Last time I searched I could not find anything.


I haven't tested this but I found this with a Google search..

# Example call
my switchToInputSource("Spanish")

# Switches to the specified input source (keyboard layout) using GUI scripting.
# Prerequisites:
#   - The application running this script must be granted assisistive access.
#   - Showing the Input menu in the menu bar must be turned on 
# (System Preferences > Keyboard > Input Sources > Show Input menu in menu bar).
# Parameters:
#    name ... input source name, as displayed when you open the Input menu from
#             the menu bar; e.g.: "U.S."
# Example:
#   my switchToInputSource("Spanish")
on switchToInputSource(name)
    tell application "System Events" to tell process "SystemUIServer"
        tell (menu bar item 1 of menu bar 1 whose description is "text input")
            # !! Sadly, we must *visibly* select (open) the text-input menu-bar extra in order to
            # !! populate its menu with the available input sources.
            tell menu 1
                # !! Curiously, using just `name` instead of `(get name)` didn't work: 'Access not allowed'.
                click (first menu item whose title = (get name))
            end tell
        end tell
    end tell
end switchToInputSource

With this, I think you should be able to create a workflow to accomplish what you are looking for.

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