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Getting alfred result without opening alfred

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Hey beautiful people,


Is there an easy way to get alfred's results without alfred popping up?


I'm imagining some sort of osascript "tell application alfred to set xml_result to result of 'query'".


If only …
If you need the results from another Script Filter, your best option is to call the Script Filter's script directly, assuming it hasn't been pasted into the Script box. That's a fairly brittle solution, however, as the script might expect its own directory to be the working directory or want to use the alfred_* environmental variables for its own workflow. There could be a lot of messing around involved.
Also, AFAIK, it's also impossible to predict the name of the directory Alfred will install a workflow in. I wish it used the bundle ID rather than user.workflow.SOME_RANDOM_UID. If you want to call a Script Filter from another workflow, you might have to search a lot of directories to find the workflow you're looking for.

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