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Update workflow without losing personal data

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Posted (edited)

I am about to release my workflow, http://www.alfredforum.com/topic/5100-regex-run-and-save-regular-expressions/ , onto Packal.


The workflow contains a file that contains user data.  That is, users can save their own regexs for future use, and those saved regexs are saved in the file.  Let's call it MyRegexFile.pl.


When I release the next version of my workflow, how can I make it so that user data is not overwritten?


  * Perhaps there is a special Alfred way to handle updates

  * Perhaps there is a special Packal way to handle updates

  * Perhaps the file should be stored elsewhere on the user's computer

  * Perhaps the file contents should be stored in the keyword script filter itself


Those are my ideas.  I would like to find the right solution before releasing the new version.  I would like the solution to be user friendly.



Edited by Matthew Lancellotti

Option three is the correct one. Use ~/Library/Application Support/Alfred 2/Workflow Data/<your_workflow_bundle_id> as the directory to store that information. ~/Library/Caches/com.runningwithcrayons.Alfred-2/Workflow Data/<your_workflow_bundle_id> can also be used, for temporary data.

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