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Yo! with Alfred

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Hey everyone,


I just started building Alfred workflows (most of them are for my work, so they won't really be useful to anyone outside of Segment.com), but today I decided to throw together a really simple Yo! (contextual messaging app) workflow.


Github: https://github.com/lambtron/yo-alfred


How to set it up:

  1. Click here to download the workflow.

  2. Double click on the file to add it to Alfred.

Optional, if you want to change the sender name from YOALFRED.

3a. Register an application with Yo! here with an app name of your choosing. Note this app name will be what the recipient sees.

3b. Paste your Yo! app token in the Alfred workflow script, as such:


curl --data "api_token=$TOKEN&username={query}" http://api.justyo.co/yo/


You are set! Yo! to your heart's content and to your friends' growing annoyances.


Let me know if you have any questions!

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