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Understanding how to add Trello workflow

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Hi there, 


NOT a coder... just a heavy mac user.  I downloaded Trello workflow but the installation instructions aren't helping! https://github.com/MikoMagni/Alfred-for-Trello


I'll paste instructions below..but I'm puzzled how do I bring the workflow into Alfred? I can't find this answer in the kB. I've done it before but  a long time ago. not sure where that keyword would go. The rest of it I think I can follow. 






1. Use the keyword "<b>jello</b>" to authorise Alfred for Trello to access your Trello information.
2. Copy the **token** generated by Trello.com
3. Open the Afred for Trello Workflow and enter the token in /bin/bash script: **token=''**
4. Go to your Trello.com board that you wish to use and copy the **Board ID**. You can find the Board ID just before your board name. For example: https://trello.com/b/<b>4f21cb176603c3</b>/yourname/       
5. In the example above <b>4f21cb176603c3</b> is the board id.
6. Enter the Board ID in /bin/bash script: **boardid=''**
7. Within the Alfred for Trello workflow double click the Hotkey and set "Option + Command + t" or your preferred hotkey.
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