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Send URL

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Hi there :)


Thanks for the workflow. It is great!


One of the things I am using it for is to send a URL to safari and then cmd-D to save the bookmark. I keep my bookmarks in safari so that they sync using iCloud but prefer to use chrome on the mac because of Vimium. My question is: is there a way to send the URL directly to safari bookmarks so that I do not have to go through the extra step of sending it to Safari?





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Yes, I have the latest version of the workflow; I just re-downloaded and installed it to make sure


The issue did not appear until I switched from MAS Opera (12.15) to the latest Opera (previously 15.x, now 16.0.1196.62), from Opera's website


I just downloaded Opera 16.0 (16.0.1196.62) and you are right, Send URL can not fetch the URL from it... I will try to find a solution for it.

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  • 1 year later...

Great workflow, thanks for this, especially creating the HTML link part. I have been looking for something like this for a while.


Not to look a gift horse in the mouth but one thing that would be really cool is if I have any text highlighted on the page to be put in blockquotes with citation and have the Page Title link added to the end.


For example, using the Alfred homepage, lets say I highlight this text:

"Alfred saves you time when you search for files online or on your Mac. Be more productive with hotkeys, keywords and file actions at your fingertips."


Calling the 'url' workflow creates the following:

<blockquote cite="http://www.alfredapp.com/">
<p>Alfred saves you time when you search for files online or on your Mac. Be more productive with hotkeys, keywords and file actions at your fingertips.</p>
<footer>— <a href="http://www.alfredapp.com/" title="Alfred App - Productivity App for Mac OS X">Alfred App - Productivity App for Mac OS X</a></footer>
Totally extra credit but would be really useful.
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  • 2 months later...



that's very cool! Thank you. What a shame, Firefox is not (yet) in the list. How does one extend the list of supported Apps? Where do you get those codes from that go to supportedApplications.txt?


I would like to try my App an Skype and iMessages ;-)

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  • 2 months later...
  • 5 months later...

Great workflow, thanks!


I eliminated Flash from my machines, but sometime I need a browser with flash and therefore I use the free version of the Elmedia Player which integrates web-browsing support. Possible to add this browser in this workflow?


The App offers a bookmarklet with this code:

open "newelmediaplayer:///post?text=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.alfredapp.com"

The command above works, bundle ID I'm not sure, maybe




Edited by Davide
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...
  • 11 months later...

@Barrierfreeman Could you give an example of the ones that aren't working for you that you're expecting to see? The workflow creator states that "The workflow only list the Apps installed on you mac." so you may not see the full list from his screenshot if you don't have all of these apps/browsers installed.


Any further details will allow us and fellow users to help you tweak the workflow if needed :)



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23 minutes ago, Vero said:

@Barrierfreeman Could you give an example of the ones that aren't working for you that you're expecting to see? The workflow creator states that "The workflow only list the Apps installed on you mac." so you may not see the full list from his screenshot if you don't have all of these apps/browsers installed.


Any further details will allow us and fellow users to help you tweak the workflow if needed :)




Hello, Vero. 


I haven't got access to my Mac at the mo, but there is a pic of what I am seeing on the OP's GitHub page, as posted there to see if they could help. 




Previously the list would populate with all relevant appa installed, like Safari, Chrome, Airmail, Notes etc.  So something has broken. If your tweet is correct, and it is **very** easy to fix, hopefully someone can help. 

Edited by Barrierfreeman
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This is working perfectly for me without modifications (installed it on purpose to check) on Alfred 3. I’m still on El Capitan, though, and my VM software (which I’m ditching) has been unreliable as of late, so I won’t be able to test this on Sierra soon.


Please open the debugger, run the workflow, and post the output, so we can see if any error is being caught.

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2 minutes ago, vitor said:

This is working perfectly for me without modifications (installed it on purpose to check) on Alfred 3. I’m still on El Capitan, though, and my VM software (which I’m ditching) has been unreliable as of late, so I won’t be able to test this on Sierra soon.


Please open the debugger, run the workflow, and post the output, so we can see if any error is being caught.


I can confirm it is working fine on Sierra, also without any modification:-



Screen Shot 2016-10-12 à 14.35.10.jpg

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@Barrierfreeman Since you mentioned this has stopped working, and you upgraded your system, perhaps something was the problem there. Try first deleting the workflow and reinstalling the latest version. If it continues to not work, then please proceed with the other requested debugger information.

Edited by vitor
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Thanks to Vítor suggesting debugging the workflow, we have success.


Seems the workflow was referencing Alfred V2s app cache folder, which may have got removed during the update.


Error: unable to open database "/Users/Jamie/Library/Caches/com.runningwithcrayons.Alfred-2/Workflow Data/dk.aiyo.SendURL/appCache.db"


The inelegant solution was initially to just nuke Alfred v3, reinstall and hope for the best, but ended up going through all the .sh files in the workflow directory and replacing 2 with 3.


So yes, Vítor. You were right this time ;)


Still not sure the solution was 'easy' tho....but hey ho.

Edited by Barrierfreeman
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@@Barrierfreeman Glad you're all sorted! The debugger is a great way to identify what's happening to a workflow you've either imported or created yourself. 


Just for future reference, @vitor was suggesting re-installing the workflow, not Alfred as a whole. You can do this quickly by right-clicking on a workflow name in the left sidebar, choosing "Delete" and re-downloading the latest version of the workflow. Only takes a moment and is very non-destructive of your Alfred preferences otherwise.


1 minute ago, Barrierfreeman said:

So yes, Vitor. You were right this time ;)


Beware, he often is ;) 



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8 hours ago, Barrierfreeman said:

The inelegant solution was initially to just nuke Alfred v3, reinstall and hope for the best, but ended up going through all the .sh files in the workflow directory and replacing 2 with 3.


FWIW, when it runs your workflow, Alfred sets the alfred_version environment variable to its own version number. You could grab the first character of that and insert it in your paths to support both v2 and v3.


Be warned, however, that if you edit a workflow in Alfred 3, it will no longer run in Alfred 2, regardless of whether you use any Alfred 3-specific features or not.

Edited by deanishe
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  • 4 months later...

I'm having trouble getting this to work with Alfred 3.3.1 on macOS Sierra 10.12. I haven't used this workflow before now. 


It didn't work correctly in any browsers, so I modified supportedApplications.txt, but that didn't help at all.





When Safari (not Tech Preview) is my current browser, it is "Unable to find URL".


When Canary is my current browser it shows some options, but none of the browsers I have installed.


Any ideas?







Screen Shot 2017-02-28 at 10.55.59 AM.png

Screen Shot 2017-02-28 at 10.59.35 AM.png

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  • 4 months later...

Just to say, I moved to a new mac with Time Machine and I had the same issue as Barrierfreeman. I tried removing the Workflow and reinstalling it but the .sh files still references Alfred-2's cache. So I replaced all instances of 'Alfred-2' with 'Alfred-3' and it works again.

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  • 2 years later...

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