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Copy to Clipboard Output - single tab character won't persist [Fixed 2.7 b382]


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I just tried creating a workflow that will copy a single tab character to the clipboard and paste it into the frontmost app.


However, the Copy to Clipboard item's textbox will show me entering the tab character, but when I hit Save and then reopen that Output action, the tab character is gone.


I'm guessing that textbox is trimming whitespace upon saving. Is there a way to force the tab character to persist?




PS The reason I'm creating this workflow is to get around OSX on Chrome not recognizing Option + Tab, or other typical commands to force a tab in a text entry area.

Edited by tjh
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I'm guessing that textbox is trimming whitespace upon saving. Is there a way to force the tab character to persist?


There really isn't any reason why Alfred should be trimming this. I'll remove the trim in the next release :)

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This should now be fixed if you update to the 2.7 pre-release (in Alfred's update prefs)


Andrew - 


Just wanted to say thank you for fixing this issue! I didn't have notifications set to email about replies so I only just remembered to check on this.

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