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Symlinked Applications not recognized?


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  1. Install HomeBrew 
  2. Install MacVim
  3. Run command 
    brew linkapps macvim
    in Terminal

Now, you have a working MacVim in your /Applications folder. You can run it in Finder from /Applications/MacVim or from Spotlight Search.


However, Alfred doesn't see it (i assume because of the symlink: /Applications/MacVim.app -> /usr/local/opt/macvim/MacVim.app ).



Alfred 2.7.1

OS X 10.10.3



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  1. Install HomeBrew
  2. Install MacVim
  3. Run command 
    brew linkapps macvim
    in Terminal

Now, you have a working MacVim in your /Applications folder. You can run it in Finder from /Applications/MacVim or from Spotlight Search.


However, Alfred doesn't see it (i assume because of the symlink: /Applications/MacVim.app -> /usr/local/opt/macvim/MacVim.app ).



Alfred 2.7.1

OS X 10.10.3



Hi David,


Take a look at this page, which details adding the correct path to Alfred's search scope in order to add it to the results:





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Thanks for your reply,


i understand the workaround but it's not exactly... convenient since you'd have to manually add a path for every App.

Also some Apps have the version number in the Path so it breaks when the App is updated.


for example  /opt/homebrew-cask/Caskroom/iterm2/2.0

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Thanks for your reply,


In fact, Andrew has seen this thread and reminded me that he's added support for this in a recent release. (I'll also be updating the support page accordingly)


If you go to Alfred's Features > Default Results and click "Reset" on the search scope (keeping in mind any customised paths you've added to re-add), you'll see that there are two new additions to the default searched paths:




So once you've done this, you should be sorted :)

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