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JIRA Workflow Requirements Gathering Discussion

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Howdy all,

So I use Atlassian JIRA at work and in personal aspects of life. I am coming up with a design to allow quick creation of new tickets and searching of existing tickets (as a starting point).


Not sure at this stage how extensive the workflow will be (will greatly depend on how long it takes to develop the minimum features I require and then how much I can get done before the start of next semester :D.


Basic functionality I am looking at thus far is:

  • Cache available projects
  • Cache available assignable users (possibly/depending on how well this would work with thousands of users... may also provide the option to "create" a local reference to a user as this could just get messy... yet to be decided)
  • Cache available Sprints (depending on if these can be listed with the api)
  • Cache project available issue types (depending on what can be done with the API)
  • Set active project (i.e. the one you want to work with)
  • Search active project
  • Search all projects
  • Create issue in active project
  • Assign issue on creation with a flag
  • Set up some issue defaults (for those people that have some fields mandatory)

Possible Extension Ideas:

My current language of choice is perl but I am going to have a look at ruby or python as well... open to ideas/recommendations if anyone has experience with REST web services and can recommend any over the other.


So... who out there uses Atlassian JIRA, what would you look for... throw your ideas at me.. and GO!


Edited by stuartcryan
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