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Recent Documents

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This is very cool! Thank you.


Does it only list things that I have accessed via Alfred?

Is there any way to access all documents I've opened/modified using OSX generally like Smart Folder can list?


Unfortunately this flow is not working for me. It appears no documents are returned and I receive the message "No recent documents were found"




Is there any other way to access the recent doc's database to determine if this is an Alfred issue or Workflow-specific issue?


Running b131 with the Recent Doc's enhancement and have restarted Alfred as a precaution with no change 


Edit: Have just figure how to use Recent Docs via standard Alfred method - those show just fine, so suggests my issue above is related specifically to the workflow


Example for Preview: http://d.pr/i/uG1l


Edit 2: Update to b133 has not resolved the issue


Unfortunately this flow is not working for me. It appears no documents are returned and I receive the message "No recent documents were found"




Is there any other way to access the recent doc's database to determine if this is an Alfred issue or Workflow-specific issue?


Running b131 with the Recent Doc's enhancement and have restarted Alfred as a precaution with no change 


Edit: Have just figure how to use Recent Docs via standard Alfred method - those show just fine, so suggests my issue above is related specifically to the workflow


Example for Preview: http://d.pr/i/uG1l


Edit 2: Update to b133 has not resolved the issue


This workflow is really straightforward. It just finds the knowledge database at ~/Library/Application Support/Alfred 2/Databases/knowledge.alfdb. It queries the database and returns the results. If you have recent docs available in Alfred, it should work. Are you getting no results after trying to filter them? Or after typing the keyword only?


The list of files that you have for preview, were those opened via Alfred since b131 came out? Recent Docs can be provided by the app in some cases if the app supports it (Preview is one of them). The workflow only shows recent docs opened via Alfred.


Nothing is listed after entering the "docs" keyword as shown in the screenshot

I think you have to call docs using Alfred before it sees. Open some file using Alfred Open and then try again. I was referring that with my last post.


So access to the built in list of recent docs maintained by OSX is not part of the flow?


This workflow gives you quick access to Alfred's own db of recent documents, not OS X's.


Here's a workflow that is based on David Ferguson's and Clint Strong's that merges the OS/X recent documents and Alfred recent documents into one list - http://tedwi.se/u/d9


It uses Ruby, you MUST install the Ruby sqlite3 gem before it will work:


    sudo gem install sqlite3


This workflow gives you quick access to Alfred's own db of recent documents, not OS X's.


Thanks - that wasn't clear to me. Now I've opened Doc's from Alfred Dave's script is working fine


Here's a workflow that is based on David Ferguson's and Clint Strong's that merges the OS/X recent documents and Alfred recent documents into one list - http://tedwi.se/u/d9


It uses Ruby, you MUST install the Ruby sqlite3 gem before it will work:


    sudo gem install sqlite3


Would love to try this but having an issue with the gem installation. Get the following under 10.8.2


$ sudo gem install sqlite3
Building native extensions.  This could take a while...
ERROR:  Error installing sqlite3:
	ERROR: Failed to build gem native extension.

/System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/1.8/usr/bin/ruby extconf.rb
mkmf.rb can't find header files for ruby at /System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/1.8/usr/lib/ruby/ruby.h

Gem files will remain installed in /Library/Ruby/Gems/1.8/gems/sqlite3-1.3.7 for inspection.
Results logged to /Library/Ruby/Gems/1.8/gems/sqlite3-1.3.7/ext/sqlite3/gem_make.out


Any advice greatly appreciated as I know nothing about Ruby


Thanks - that wasn't clear to me. Now I've opened Doc's from Alfred Dave's script is working fine



Would love to try this but having an issue with the gem installation. Get the following under 10.8.2


$ sudo gem install sqlite3
Building native extensions.  This could take a while...
ERROR:  Error installing sqlite3:
	ERROR: Failed to build gem native extension.

/System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/1.8/usr/bin/ruby extconf.rb
mkmf.rb can't find header files for ruby at /System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/1.8/usr/lib/ruby/ruby.h

Gem files will remain installed in /Library/Ruby/Gems/1.8/gems/sqlite3-1.3.7 for inspection.
Results logged to /Library/Ruby/Gems/1.8/gems/sqlite3-1.3.7/ext/sqlite3/gem_make.out


Any advice greatly appreciated as I know nothing about Ruby


You need to have the command-line tools installed to build gems with native extensions (that's the compiler toolchain, headers, etc.). It's available in Xcode which is free on the App Store but is an enormous download. If you go that route, after you install it, go to Preferences -> Downloads and install the Command Line Tools from inside Xcode.


You can also go to https://developer.apple.com/downloads and download the Command Line Tools .dmg and install from there - it's much smaller and doesn't install Xcode. You have to register at developer.apple.com to download anything but it's free.


Hi there - I know I'm probably missing something really basic, but when I go to the link provided and then download the Ay6a file, how do I the get this into my workflows? Clicking, dragging and dropping etc don't work for me, either on the .cpgz file or the unarchived file.


I expect this to real red-faced moment by the way :-)


You need to have the command-line tools installed to build gems with native extensions (that's the compiler toolchain, headers, etc.). It's available in Xcode which is free on the App Store but is an enormous download. If you go that route, after you install it, go to Preferences -> Downloads and install the Command Line Tools from inside Xcode.


You can also go to https://developer.apple.com/downloads and download the Command Line Tools .dmg and install from there - it's much smaller and doesn't install Xcode. You have to register at developer.apple.com to download anything but it's free.


I've got a dumb Ruby question, too. With XCode and the Command Line Tools installed, `sudo gem install sqlite3` spits out what is essentially Greek to me:



Building native extensions.  This could take a while...
Successfully installed sqlite3-1.3.7
1 gem installed
Installing ri documentation for sqlite3-1.3.7...
No definition for libversion
Enclosing class/module 'mSqlite3' for class Statement not known
Installing RDoc documentation for sqlite3-1.3.7...
No definition for libversion
Enclosing class/module 'mSqlite3' for class Statement not known

...and running the workflow gives me the error that sqlite3 isn't installed. Did I do something dumb?


Alright. :-) Even though I can't stand PHP it has built-in support for sqlite3, so you can download the updated workflow from the same place - http://tedwi.se/u/d9

 - It uses a tiny PHP script to pull the Alfred items from the database.


You're a gentleman and a scholar. Seems to work beautifully, but for a tiny SQL error that appears at the top of the list:



You're a gentleman and a scholar. Seems to work beautifully, but for a tiny SQL error that appears at the top of the list:



I can't recreate that error, even with an empty database. But, I threw in an error check anyway which hopefully will head it off. Just re-download it.




Recent Documents Workflow


This workflow gives you quick access to documents launched through Alfred.





Alright. :-) Even though I can't stand PHP it has built-in support for sqlite3, so you can download the updated workflow from the same place - http://tedwi.se/u/d9

 - It uses a tiny PHP script to pull the Alfred items from the database.


Is it possible to have a workflow like this that only shows recent text documents? (.txt, .rtf and maybe also .pages docs)

  • 4 weeks later...

Hello All,


Sorry but this worklfow doesn't work.


No recent documents were found", it says all the time.



Thank you by advance


Hello All,

Sorry but this worklfow doesn't work.

No recent documents were found", it says all the time.

Thank you by advance

It works, just only shows docs opened via Alfred and not system wide.

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