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iTerm2 no longer executing from within workflows or via terminal command shortcut [Workaround]


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Hi Team,

I seem to be having a bit of an issue that has cropped up in the last few weeks, I am not sure exactly when it started but the symptoms are this:

1. When I try to execute a terminal command with '.< command >' or a workflow tries to execute a terminal command... if I don't already have iTerm open, nothing happens at all.

2. If I manually open iTerm and have it running in the background... everything runs fine.


This seems to occur across all three of my Macs.



iTerm2 2.1.1

OSX: 10.10.4

Alfred: 2.7.1 (387)


I have had a look and turned on all info for one of the flows and it does not error out at all, this seems to execute successfully:

[iNFO: alfred.workflow.input.keyword] Processing output 'alfred.workflow.action.terminalcommand' with arg ''


But strangely iTerm2 is never opened.


It seems the iTerm2 program is now just called iTerm in my Applications folder, not sure if this has affected things at all (or if it always was).


I have also checked the system console and no errors seem to be outputted to any system logs during the time I was testing.


Look forward to hearing from you.




All righty :D and now I have updated the scripts... made them more awesome and even added one for iTerm 2.9




Not sure the best way to publish this but if anyone has any issues let me know and I will try to tweak the scripts further.

Edited by stuartcryan
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Hi Team,

I seem to be having a bit of an issue that has cropped up in the last few weeks, I am not sure exactly when it started but the symptoms are this:

1. When I try to execute a terminal command with '.< command >' or a workflow tries to execute a terminal command... if I don't already have iTerm open, nothing happens at all.

2. If I manually open iTerm and have it running in the background... everything runs fine.


This seems to occur across all three of my Macs.



iTerm2 2.1.1

OSX: 10.10.4

Alfred: 2.7.1 (387)


I have had a look and turned on all info for one of the flows and it does not error out at all, this seems to execute successfully:

[iNFO: alfred.workflow.input.keyword] Processing output 'alfred.workflow.action.terminalcommand' with arg ''


But strangely iTerm2 is never opened.


It seems the iTerm2 program is now just called iTerm in my Applications folder, not sure if this has affected things at all (or if it always was).


I have also checked the system console and no errors seem to be outputted to any system logs during the time I was testing.


Look forward to hearing from you.




iTerm's AppleScript has changed over time, as has the application name (now simply named iTerm.app), so for now, you'll need to update the terminal AppleScript yourself in Alfred's Features > Terminal. Select the "Custom" option and then use something similar to one of the scripts in here:








depending on the version you are currently using!


Hope this helps (for now, at least).




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Hi Andrew thanks for that,

With those links I was able to come up with the following which seems to works around it for the time being for the current v2 of iTerm:

on alfred_script(q)
   tell application "iTerm"
      set myterm to (make new terminal)
      tell myterm
         launch session "Default Session"
         tell the last session
            write text q
         end tell
      end tell
   end tell
end alfred_script
Edited by stuartcryan
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OK once iTerm decided to update itself to 2.1.1 it stopped working again. SO :D here is a new version and even BETTERER this works around the age old issue of the default terminal always opening


[edit] helps if I post the full thing. I might throw this together into a git repo as I am sure it will need updating on a more regular basis

on is_running(appName)
    tell application "System Events" to (name of processes) contains appName
end is_running

on alfred_script(q)
if is_running("iTerm") then
	run script "
on run {q}

tell application \"iTerm\"
		tell the first terminal
			set mysession to (launch session \"Default Session\")
			tell mysession
				write text q
			end tell
		end tell
	end tell
end run" with parameters {q}
	run script "
on run {q} 
tell application \"iTerm\"
		tell the first terminal
			tell the last session
				write text q
			end tell
		end tell
	end tell
end run" with parameters {q}
end if
end alfred_script
Edited by stuartcryan
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All righty :D and now I have updated the scripts... made them more awesome and even added one for iTerm 2.9




Not sure the best way to publish this but if anyone has any issues let me know and I will try to tweak the scripts further.

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Nah, this thread helped me fix my own iTerm AppleScripts  :)

WOOHOO :) haha glad to hear it, nice to know I can help out (if you have any suggested modifications to the scripts please let me know... I just threw together pretty basic ones...).


Have to say I am stoked with the 2.9 one now though... not getting the double terminal opening /dances

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WOOHOO :) haha glad to hear it, nice to know I can help out (if you have any suggested modifications to the scripts please let me know... I just threw together pretty basic ones...).


Have to say I am stoked with the 2.9 one now though... not getting the double terminal opening /dances


Thanks this helped me solve issues with iterm as well!

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No worries at all :) seeing as this has proven useful for a couple of people, I have decided to formally publish the scripts in a better location at http://www.alfredforum.com/topic/7138-custom-terminal-script-correct-iterm-behaviour-for-alfred/.


I will keep that thread up to date with any changes to the scripts etc (to act as sort of a notification for the community, almost treating it like a workflow).


Glad I have been able to help you out and thanks go out to Andrew for pointing me in the right direction.

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