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Assorted feedback v2 56 [Resolved]


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Hello everyone,


I made some notes on things I found didn't work as I intended them to. Most stuff has already been mentioned in the forums though. 



  • Alfred preferences crash when access to `news.google.something` is denied with Little Snitch.
  • Is → on apps to access recent documents gone? That was so handy! 
  • Request: In Workflows: When Open App contains only one app, it could look better to show only that icon instead of the generic icons.
  • Feature Request: Allow dragging of Default Actions. (Say, someone prefers to use open with…) Turning them on and off is already pretty cool. I can't see myself using this, but maybe someone wants. Put this on the maybe/someday list.

Have a nice week,  



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Hi Zettt :)


The preferences crash is now fixed in b60. Recent docs is coming in a near-future release.


For Open Apps, I think there's still some polish coming to that, so it may change. And finally for the default actions, go have a look at the prefs for File Search > Actions where you can let Alfred sort the actions based on what you use the most (per file type) if you want to use this. :)

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Search > Actions where you can let Alfred sort the actions based on what you use the most (per file type) if you want to use this. :)


That's neat, Vero! I'll try it for some time to see if it's more my cup of tea. I'm having a lot of fun with the new version. :D

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