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Collection of workflows

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I collected the various workflows I've posted together on Github (https://github.com/ctwise/alfred-workflows). One or two are new but most have already been posted on this forum.




Very simple workflow to display the OS/X Character Palette for selecting obscure characters. Responds to the keyword 'character'.

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Create tasks in the application The Hit List. Task text follows the format:

<task text> \[% <hit list category>\] \[! <priority>\] \[| <note text>\]

Responds to the keyword 'ta'.


ta Do something - Create the task 'Do something' in the inbox
ta Do something else %work - Create the task 'Do something else' in the Work folder
ta More work !1 - Create the task 'More work' in the inbox with priority 1
ta Stuff | Notes about it - Create the task 'Stuff' in the inbox with 'Notes about it' as a note

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Very simple workflow to display the current date and time, and, optionally, copy it to the clipboard.

Responds to both keywords 'date' and 'time'.

Binary download


This is based almost entirely on David Ferguson's workflow. It is rewritten in Ruby but only makes two small changes: it provides the raw search text as an option if there are no Google search results and it times out the Google search result request.

Responds to the keyword 'g'.

Binary download


Search for and kill a process. This lists all the processes that match the text typed. Selecting a process does a 'kill' on it. Holding down the alt modifier key does a 'kill -9' and holding down the cmd modifier does a 'kill -HUP'.

Responds to the keyword 'kill'.

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This is based on the workflow by Jeroen van der Neut. It was his excellent idea and he provided the Applescript to extract menu items.

This workflow lets you control the front-most application by triggering menu actions. The text entered is used to display matching menu items. The change from Jeroen van der Neut's workflow is to cache the menu items.

This workflow is a work in progress and has rough edges. The first is that caches aren't aged - they're permanent. The second is that menu item names extracted from Applescript don't always match the displayed text, e.g., a menu item might say 'Turn feature off' or 'Turn feature on' based on the feature status but the extracted menu text is 'Toggle feature'. The result is that the menu item can't be activated by the workflow.

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This is based on David Ferguson's IP Address workflow. The difference is that it provides interface names and mac address.

The workflow responds to the keywords 'ip' and 'mac'. For the 'ip' keyword it lists all interfaces and the local IP addresses. It also displays the external IP address. For the 'mac' keyword it lists all interfaces and the local MAC addresses.

If you select an IP address or MAC address it will be copied to the clipboard. Holding down the cmd modifier key will also paste it in the front-most application.

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Based on the workflows by Clinton Strong and David Ferguson. The difference is it consolidates the OS/X recent documents list and the Alfred recent documentst list.

Triggering the workflow lists all of the recent documents. Selecting one will open it in the default application. Holding down the cmd modifier key will reveal it in Path Finder or Finder (depending on whether Path Finder is installed).

Responds to the keyword 'recent'.

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Lists all of the running OS/X applications (not processes, what OS/X considers as a running app). Selecting one will activate the application. Holding down the alt modifier key will trigger the built-in 'quit' Alfred command.

Responds to the keyword 'running'.

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Searches PubMed at ncbi.nlm.nih.gov. Provides two alternates search modes. The first does a keyword search of PubMed articles. Selecting an article displays the article information. The second uses the PubMed search suggestions. Selecting a suggestion performs a PubMed search using that search text.

Responds to the keywords 'pubmed' for article searches and 'pubmed2' for search suggestions.

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Simple Time Machine status and control. Shows the Time Machine completion status and provides support to start and stop Time Machine backups.

Responds to the keywords 'tmac status' to show status, to 'tmac start' to start a Time Machine backup and to 'tmac stop' to stop a Time Machine backup.

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Lists the top processes, aka the command-line 'top'. Selecting a process will activate the 'kill-process' workflow to kill the selected process.

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Based on the Parallels Control workflow. Provides a mechanism to control VMWare VMs.

  • Keyword 'vm list' lists the knows VMs and their current status. Selecting one copies the VM path to the clipboard.
  • Keyword 'vm ip' lists the IP addresses of running VMs. Selecing one copies the IP address to the clipboard.
  • Keyword 'vm start' lists the stopped VMs. Selecting one starts it.
  • Keyword 'vm stop' lists the running VMs. Selecting one stops it.
  • Keyword 'vm reset' lists the running VMs. Selecting one resets it.
  • Keyword 'vm suspend' lists the running VMs. Selecting one suspends it.
  • Keyword 'vm pause' lists the running VMs. Selecting one pauses it.
  • Keyword 'vm unpause' lists the running VMS. Selecting one unpauses it.
  • Keyword 'vm snapshot' requires a snapshot name and lists the running VMs. Selecting one creates a named snapshot of that VM.
  • Keyword 'vm revert' requires a snapshot name and lists the running VMs. Selecting one reverts to a named snapshot of that VM.

Binary download


Simple workflow that provides volume control. Keyword 'max' sets the volume to max. Keyword 'medium' sets the volume to mid-level. Keyword 'mute' mutes the system volume.

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Hey there,


To prevent confusion when Alfred's users are looking for workflows, it may be better to make small feature requests to the original workflow developers rather than manually branching their workflows and making a small changes and re-publishing (or if it's a git repo, do a push/pull request). This also keeps the credit where credit is due.


Workflows should also be one per thread as much as possible!





[i've locked this thread now to prevent it from growing. As Alfred v2 comes closer to release, we will start making the forum more structured, as the user base is going to grow significantly]

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